Hi there, I'm Adrian and currently a PhD Student of Computer Science. Feel free to take a look around my profile, during my studies and as a hobby I created many different software projects. Not all of them are in my personal profile, so check out some of the awesome organizations that I worked in:
- Dyvil - A modern JVM programming language.
- Distributed Systems Uni Kassel - Projects at the Distributed Systems group in Kassel.
- Software Engineering Uni Kassel - Projects at the Software Engineering Research group in Kassel.
- Fujaba - The Fulib Tool Suite for developer productivity.
- Clashsoft-Mods - My old Minecraft modding projects.
- Minestrappolation - Also Minecraft modding, but a larger project and team.
Want to see my work without reading a bunch of code? Here are some of my showoff projects, available to all on the web:
- app.clashsoft.de - A bunch of minor projects that I put together into one web app.
- coffee.uni-kassel.dev - Coffee Counter and amenity finance tracker for the VS/SE offices.
- stellarismeta24.com [Coming Soon] - Create, share, find and rate Stellaris empires for your next playthrough.
- apollusia.com - Organise group and 1:1 meetings with this clean, free, and powerful tool.
- fulib.org - A modern software engineering platform, featuring experimental modeling languages, a web IDE, homework grading, etc.
Most of these are made with Angular (frontend), NestJS (backend), MongoDB (database), Nx (workspace/build) and my own Mean-Stream library.
And for those of you into reading, here are some of my papers and theses (in increasing order of quality and proudness):
- Fusion Seminar Paper (2015, TBP) - "Energy production with nuclear fusion".
- Groovy Seminar Paper (2018) - A seminar paper about the Groovy programming language.
- Valhalla Seminar Paper (2020) - A seminar paper about the OpenJDK project Valhalla.
- Bachelor Thesis (2020) - "Natural Language Pattern Matching for Natural Language Object Scenarios".
- Master Thesis (2022) - "Tool-assisted Feedback for Programming Assignments".
- More on Google Scholar (2019--now)
- GeminiEnergySolutions/assap-frontend (2 days ago) - Conserve Web App
- Morphclue/apollusia (5 days ago) - Calendar tool for coordinating meetings
- fujaba/fulib.org (3 weeks ago) - The fulib web app: fulibScenarios, fulibWorkflows, Docs, Projects and Assignments in one app.
- Clashsoft/story-service (2 months ago) - Backend service for the story tracker on app.clashsoft.de.
- ds-ukassel/coffee-counter (2 months ago) -
- Clashsoft/Projects - Student Projects
- Clashsoft/frost-train-game - A resource management game about a sole train on a frozen Earth.
- Clashsoft/doctor-thesis - LaTeX code for my PhD thesis
- Clashsoft/stellarismeta24.com - A web app for creating and sharing Stellaris empires.
- Clashsoft/Master-Thesis - My master thesis, titled "Tool-assisted Grading of Programming Assignments", written in Winter 2021-2022 at the University of Kassel
- ds-ukassel/fit-public (v3.13.0, 1 week ago) - Public Issue Tracker and Releases for FIT Newsletter
- fujaba/fulib.org (v1.19.0, 2 months ago) - The fulib web app: fulibScenarios, fulibWorkflows, Docs, Projects and Assignments in one app.
- sekassel-research/actions-rancher-update (v3.3.0, 2 months ago) - A Github action to upgrade a service in Rancher 2.X.X or Rancher 1.6.X
- fujaba/fulibFeedback (intellij/v1.1.0, 5 months ago) - IDE plugins for grading fulib.org Assignments.
- fujaba/fulibFx (v0.7.0, 8 months ago) - A framework for JavaFX applications that is designed for MVC pattern projects.
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