A set of useful C libraries in single header file
Spira-Mirabilis Public
A curated set of logarithmic spirals for teaching mathematics!
The-Egyptian-Tangram Public
A new tangram design with interesting mathematical features
A-Puzzle-A-Day Public
A computational study of the puzzle A-Puzzle-A-Day
Traffic-Lights Public
A simple implementation of the Traffic Lights board game
Divisor-Graph-Longest-Path Public
A Mixed Integer Linear Programming implementation of the Divisor Graph Longest Path problem
Game-of-Life Public
A minimalist implementation of the Game of Life cellular automaton.
Mondrago Public
A brute force solver for the Mondrago board game
Python The Unlicense UpdatedMar 14, 2022 -
Slashes Public
A simple python interpreter for the /// esoteric programming language
BusinessCardTables Public
Log and Sin tables that fit in a business card
Mates-Extraescolars Public
Recomanacions per alumnes d'institut que vulguin fer més matemàtiques
TeX UpdatedDec 5, 2020 -
Trike Public
A simple implementation of Trike
carloslunamota.github.io Public
My personal collection of open source projects and ideas
Turtles Public
Turtle-graphics made with the turtle module of Python
MedianSort Public
A simple iterative variant of QuickSort that uses O(1) space for all inputs
Homemade-Mask Public archive
How to make a homemade mask with a piece of fabric and two ellastic bands.
Star-Vectors Public archive
A magic trick of galactic dimensions!
Rule110 Public
A borderless implementation of Rule 110
InequalitiesCheatSheet Public
A cheat sheet with five useful inequalities
PseudoSort Public
Definition of PseudoSorting and some examples
BinaryTrees Public archive
Binary Search Trees, Splay Trees and Red Black Trees implemented in C
Breakthrough Public archive
A basic introduction to the Breakthrough board game
TeX UpdatedAug 4, 2017 -
BigNumFuck Public
A simplified dialect of brainfuck implemented in Python 2/3
Python The Unlicense UpdatedFeb 14, 2017