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events submodule

This repository is a git submodule providing a thread-safe event manager system that allows multiple threads to generate events (also the same event) concurrently; dispatching the events as callbacks, either one-shot or persisting (until cancel() is called on the request handle, see below).

The following classes are defined (in namespace events):

  • Server<TYPE> : an event server for event TYPE.
  • BusyInterface : an object that optionally can be passed to Server<TYPE>::request(). Only one thread at a time will do a callback for all requests that pass the same BusyInterface; but without blocking threads on a mutex (non-blocking critical area).
  • RequestHandle<TYPE> : the type returned by Server<TYPE>::request(). Keep this object around as long as you desire callbacks when events associated with TYPE happen. Call its method cancel() to stop callbacks and before destructing anything that needed for the callback to be valid (including the RequestHandle itself).

For example,

  // Declare an event server.
  Server<FooEvent> server;

  // One or more threads generate events:
  FooEvent data;

  // Some other thread.
  // Requesting callbacks for FooEvent.
  Foo foo;
  BusyInterface bi;
  auto handle = server.request(foo, &Foo::callback, bi);
  // Calls to Foo::callback(data) start happening, but only one thread at a time.

  // Cancel the request.
  // Now it is safe to destruct foo, bi and handle (in any order).

The root project should be using autotools or cmake, cwm4 and cwds.

Checking out a project that uses the events submodule.

To clone a project example-project that uses events simply run:

git clone --recursive <URL-to-project>/example-project.git
cd example-project

The --recursive is optional because ./ will fix it when you forgot it.

When using GNU autotools you should of course not set AUTOGEN_CMAKE_ONLY. Also, you probably want to use --enable-mainainer-mode as option to the generated configure script. WARNING: autotools are no longer tested (supported) by the author

In order to use cmake configure as usual, for example to do a debug build with 16 cores:

mkdir build_debug
cmake --build build_debug --config Debug --parallel 16

Or to make a release build:

mkdir build_release
cmake -S . -B build_release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build_release --config Release --parallel 16

Adding the events submodule to a project

To add this submodule to a project, that project should already be set up to use cwm4.

Simply execute the following in a directory of that project where you want to have the events subdirectory:

git submodule add

This should clone events into the subdirectory events, or if you already cloned it there, it should add it.

The instructions of adding any aicxx git submodule to a project are virtually the same, so please have a look at the instructions of ai-utils for further details.


Event manager






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