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Various utilities by A.I. Includes Singleton (global object management) and AIAlert (exception based error reporting)


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ai-utils submodule

This repository is a git submodule providing C++ utilities for larger projects, including:

  • AIAlert : an exception based error reporting system.

  • AIFIFOBuffer : A spsc lock-free ring buffer for trivially copyable objects.

  • AIRefCount : Base class for classes that need to wrapped into as boost::intrusive_ptr.

  • Array / Vector / Deque : A wrapper around std::array / std::vector / std::deque that only allow a specific type as index.

  • AtomicFuzzyBool / FuzzyBool : Fuzzy booleans; great for conditions that are subject to races in a multi-threaded application.

  • Badge : No need to make a class a friend in order to access ONE member function! Just give it access to that one member function.

  • BitSet<T> : A wrapper around unsigned integral types T that allows fast bit-level manipulation, including iterating in a loop over all set bits.

  • ColorPool : Allows to hand out a "color" (just a small int, an index), from a pool, that wasn't used for the longest period. Intended to color debug output of threads and used by threadpool.

  • DelayLoopCalibration : Determine the required loop size for a given lambda to delay the code a given amount of milliseconds.

  • DequeAllocator : The perfect allocator for your deque's.

  • DEVector : Double-Ended Vector. Contiguous storage, but sacrifices memory to be as cheap with push_front as push_back.

  • Dictionary : Map known words to known enum values, and unknown words to new (different) values.

  • EnumIterator : Iterate over (contiguous) enum values.

  • FunctionView : Cheap, lightweight Callable (like std::function) suitable for passing arbitrary functions as argument.

  • Global / Singleton : template classes for global objects.

  • InsertExtraInitialization : add extra initialization between base class constructor and constructor.

  • InstanceTracker : Base class to keep track of all existing objects of a given type.

  • iomanip : Custom io manipulators.

  • itoa : Maximum speed integer to string converter.

  • List : Drop-in for std::list - slightly faster - and with extra features: you can test if an iterator is_end() or is_begin() without access to the list, and you can go to the next previous element, having a value_type, without access to the list (next(), prev()).

  • MemoryPagePool : A memory pool that returns fixed-size memory blocks allocated with std::aligned_alloc and aligned to memory_page_size.

  • MultiLoop : A variable number of nested for loops.

  • NodeMemoryPool : A memory pool intended for fixed size allocations, one object at a time, where the size and type of the object are not known until the first allocation. Intended to be used with std::allocate_shared or std::list.

  • NodeMemoryResource : A fixed size memory resource that uses a MemoryPagePool as upstream.

  • ObjectTracker : Keeps track of where your object is (even if it is moved). Can be used as a pointer to objects that might move in memory.

  • pointer_hash : The ideal hash function for pointers returned by new or malloc (or any pointer really).

  • print_pointer : Write print_pointer(ptr) to ostreams to print not just the pointer value but also the contents of the object that it points to.

  • PairCompare : Function to compare two pairs pair<First, Second>. First and Second are allowed to be vectors.

  • QuotedList : Use together with utils::print_using to print elements of a container.

  • RandomNumber : Wrapper around a std::mt19937_64 to more intuitively generate uniformly distributed integers.

  • RandomStream : Stream producing random characters.

  • Register : Register callbacks for global objects, to be called once main() is entered.

  • REMOVE_TRAILING_COMMA : Macro that removes the last (possibly empty) argument.

  • SimpleSegregatedStorage : Maintains an unordered free list of blocks (used by NodeMemoryResource and MemoryPagePool).

  • Signals : Finally get your POSIX signals working the Right Way(tm).

  • StreamHasher : Calculate a digest of input written using operator<<.

  • TemplateStringLiteral : Pass a string literal as template parameter.

  • u8string_to_filename : convert any UTF8 string to a still human readable and legal filename - and back if you want.

  • UltraHash : convert 64-bit keys into a small lookup table index [0..256] in 67 clock cycles.

  • UniqueID.h : Hands out unique IDs, unique within a given context.

  • VectorCompare : Functor to compare two vectors.

  • VTPtr : Custom virtual table for classes. The advantage being that the virtual table is dynamic and can be altered during runtime.

  • Several utilities like

  • almost_equal : compare two floating point types.

  • arrow_type : type trait to obtain the pointer type of an object.

  • at_scope_end : exception safe execute code when the current scope is left.

  • c_escape : write char range (string, string_view, vector) to an ostream, escaping unprintable characters (e.g. \n, \e, \0, \xAC).

  • clz / ctz / mssb / parity / popcount : wrappers around __builtin functions.

  • concat_array : constexpr catenate std::array's.

  • constexpr_ceil: constexpr ceil function.

  • cpu_relax : for your spin loops.

  • derived_from_template : type trait to determine if it is derived from a certain template.

  • double_to_str_precision : convert a double to a std::string with given precision.

  • for_each_until : run function on elements until the function returns true; returns true iff such an element exists.

  • generate_unique_filename : return non-existing filename from hint (e.g. "foo.txt --> foo (1).txt" if foo.txt already exists).

  • get_Nth_type : return the Nth type of a template parameter pack.

  • has_print_on : never write ostream operator<< again! Use a member function to print a class.

  • is_complete : test if a template parameter was already completely defined.

  • is_pointer_like : type traits to detect if a type can be derefenced like a pointer.

  • is_power_of_two : (constexpr) test if integral value is a power of two.

  • is_specialization_of : type trait to test if a type is a specialization of a given template type.

  • is_vector : type trait to test if a type is std::vector or utils::Vector.

  • log2 / ceil_log2 : (constexpr) return floor or ceil log2 of integral value.

  • malloc_size : calculate the optimal size to allocate, given a required minimum.

  • nearest_multiple_of_power_of_two : returns the smallest possible value N * power_of_two that is greater than or equal to n.

  • nearest_power_of_two : round the positive integer n up to the nearest power of 2.

  • print_using : insert into an ostream, specifying how to print the type (e.g cout << utils::print_using(obj, ) << ...).

  • pointer_hash : suited to calculate a 64-bit hash from two or more 64-bit pointers to (heap allocated) memory.

  • reverse_bits : (constexpr) reverse the bits of integral value.

  • reversed : non-ranges adaptor to reverse a container.

  • sorted_vector_insert : insert a new element into an already sorted vector.

  • split : call a lambda on every token in a string (separated by a given char delimiter).

  • square : because it just looks more sane than x * x.

  • three_way_merge : the reason std::three_way_merge still doesn't exist is because it is above most peoples pay grade.

  • type_id_hash : consteval type id hash (uint64_t).

  • ulong_to_base : convert ulong to base 26.

  • unstable_remove : for fast removal of elements from a vector.

  • utf8_glyph_length : return length of multichar char8_t glyph.

  • macros.h : convenience macros.

The root project should be using cmake cwm4 and cwds.

Checking out a project that uses the ai-utils submodule.

To clone a project example-project that uses ai-utils simply run:

git clone --recursive <URL-to-project>/example-project.git
cd example-project

The --recursive is optional because ./ will fix it when you forgot it.

When using GNU autotools you should of course not set AUTOGEN_CMAKE_ONLY. Also, you probably want to use --enable-mainainer-mode as option to the generated configure script. WARNING: autotools are no longer tested (supported) by the author

In order to use cmake configure as usual, for example to do a debug build with 16 cores:

mkdir build_debug
cmake --build build_debug --config Debug --parallel 16

Or to make a release build:

mkdir build_release
cmake -S . -B build_release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build_release --config Release --parallel 16

Adding the ai-utils submodule to a project

To add this submodule to a project, that project should already be set up to use cwm4.

Simply execute the following in a directory of that project where you want to have the utils subdirectory (the root of the project is recommended as that is the only thing I've tested so far):

git submodule add utils

This should clone ai-utils into the subdirectory utils, or if you already cloned it there, it should add it.

Using cmake

Check out the submodules cwds and cwm4 in the root of the project:

git submodule add
git submodule add

The easiest way to use libcwd is by using gitache.

For that to happen create in the root of the project (that uses utils) a directory cmake/gitache-configs and put in it the file libcwd_r.cmake with the content:

    "-DEnableLibcwdAlloc:BOOL=OFF -DEnableLibcwdLocation:BOOL=ON"

Add the variable GITACHE_ROOT to your environment, for example add to your ~/.bashrc the line:

export GITACHE_ROOT="/opt/gitache"

Add the following lines to the CMakeLists.txt in the root of the project (directly under the project line):

# Begin of gitache configuration.
set(GITACHE_PACKAGES libcwd_r)
# End of gitache configuration.


add_subdirectory is not necessary for cwds, cwm4 or utils.

See for example the root MakeLists.txt of ai-utils-testsuite.

Finally, linking is done by adding ${AICXX_OBJECTS_LIST} to the appropriate target_link_libraries.

For example,


add_executable(register_test register_test.cxx)
target_link_libraries(register_test PRIVATE ${AICXX_OBJECTS_LIST})

See this MakeLists.txt of ai-utils-testsuite for a complete example.

Using GNU autotools

Changes to and are taken care of by cwm4, except for linking which works as usual;

for example, a module that defines a

bin_PROGRAMS = singlethreaded_foobar multithreaded_foobar

would also define

singlethreaded_foobar_CXXFLAGS = @LIBCWD_FLAGS@
singlethreaded_foobar_LDADD = ../utils/ $(top_builddir)/cwds/

multithreaded_foobar_CXXFLAGS = @LIBCWD_R_FLAGS@
multithreaded_foobar_LDADD = ../utils/ $(top_builddir)/cwds/

or whatever the path to utils is, to link with the required submodules, libraries, and assuming you also use the cwds submodule.

Finally, run


to let cwm4 do its magic, and commit all the changes.

Checkout ai-utils-testsuite for an example of a project that uses this submodule.


Various utilities by A.I. Includes Singleton (global object management) and AIAlert (exception based error reporting)



GPL-3.0, BSD-3-Clause licenses found

Licenses found






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3

