Nginx 网站日志分析工具。
由于远程 Copilot 无法直接生成提交记录,可手动生成 diff 文件并交给聊天工具自动生成提交信息。
git add .
git diff --staged > diff.patch
Generate Chinese commit messages according to these English guidelines:
Type Concise description (Chinese)
(Use multi-line format only when changes are unrelated)
- feat 添加用户注册功能
Key Rules:
1. Use concise verbs to start the description.
Verbs including but not limited to:feat、fix、style、refactor、docs、perf
2. Combine strongly related changes under one type (e.g. 架构调整+布局优化=refactor)
3. Split only when changes have different nature,maximum 3 type lines per commit
4. Give me a concise and efficient submission record directly,
and there is no need for any explanation