Admixfrog is a HMM to infer ancestry frogments (fragments) from low-coverage, contaminated data.
Briefly, we try to fit the allele frequency at each genomic position in a target by comparing it with a number of sources. In the motivating example, the target would be a modern human, and the sources would be modern humans (AFR), Neandertals (NEA) or Denisovans (DEN).
We fit a hidden Markov Model across the genome, with the hidden states being all possible combinations of ancestry between one or two sources.
Requires python3.8+
Install dependencies:
pip install cython scipy --upgrade
Install admixfrog
(from github):
pip install git+[email protected]
Install admixfrog
(from source directory):
pip install .
Admixfrog requires (binary-only) eigenstrat data, vcf and bam-files. Supplementary files are typically in yaml-format. The bam-file is used for the target, individual, if genotypes are unknown. If genotypes are known, they can be specified in either the eigenstrat or vcf format. In addition, a set of references are required. These too are specified in the reference.
To get things started, consider an analysis where we would like to learn to local Human, Neandertal and Denisovan ancestry of the Oase1 specimen:
admixfrog --gfile data/oase --target Oase1_d --states NEA=Vindija.DG+Altai.DG YRI=Yoruba.DG Denisova.DG --cont YRI --out quickstart
this will do the following:
--gfile data/oase
: read the file data/oase.geno|snp|ind (eigenstrat-format)--target Oase1_d
: declare that we would use the sample namedOase1_d
as the target- with
--states NEA=Vindija.DG+Altai.DG YRI=Yoruba.DG Denisova.DG
we declare the three sources: a) combine the Vindija and Altai populations from the file (third column in the.ind
) file into a population named NEA, b) use the population Yoruba.DG, but rename it to YRI and c) Denisova.DG is the third possible source --cont YRI
designates YRI as a proxy for the contaminant. If there is no contamination, estimating it can be disabled using the--c0 0 --dont-est-contamination
flags.--out quickstart
: a prefix for all output files
For most analyses, it is often useful to generate the reference-file and target-file before running the main analysis. This is because parsing these files is quite time-consuming, and is not needed for replicate analyses. However, this is not required, and the program will perform all steps automatically if required
Thus, we might run these three commands:
mkdir res/
admixfrog-ref --out res/ref_example.xz --vcf-ref data/oase.vcf.gz \
--state-file data/pops.yaml \
--rec-file data/maps_chr.9 \
--states AFR NEA=Altai_snpAD.DG \
--map-id AA_Map deCODE COMBINED_LD \
--default-map AA_Map \
--chroms 9
To create the target file, we might run
admixfrog-bam --bam data/oase_chr9.bam --ref ref_example.xz --out
and finally, the analysis can be run using
admixfrog --infile --ref ref_example.xz --out example1 -b 10000 \
--states AFR NEA --contamination AFR
Thee most useful command is admixfrog --help
that will give an up-to-date summary of all the parameters.
there are a few optional parameters, the most important are
the bin size (in 10^6cM), when using a recombination map, or in bp when running without (using-P
: a taxon in that specifies the ancestral allele (must be in the reference file)--states
: the potential admixture sources. (Must be in the reference)--contamination
: the source of contamination. (Must also be in the reference)
For other parameters, see below or type admixfrog --help
There are also utilities to create the input file (from a bam file ) and the reference file (from a vcf file)
from standard formats. These can be called using admixfrog-bam
, respectively. Their arguments are also accepted by the main
program. However, as parsing and creating these files takes typically much
longer than running admixfrog, I recommend generating them first.
The input file is optionally generated from a bam-file:
admixfrog --bamfile {x}.bam --ref {y}.ref.xz --out {z} -b 10000 --ancestral PAN --states AFR NEA DEN
but this takes quite long for high-coverage genomes.
The input file for admixfrog
can be created from an (indexed) vcf-file using the
admixfrog-ref --vcf x_{CHROM}.vcf.gz --out x.ref.xz \
--states AFR VIN=Vindija33.19 DEN=Denisova \
--pop-file data.yaml \
--rec-file rec.{CHROM}
The options are:
- --vcf
: an indexed file in vcf format. Non-biallelic variants are
skipped,but everything else is used. Hence, filtering should be done on this file. Use the wildcard {CHROM}
if files are split by chromosome
- --out
: the name of the output file
- --states
: the names of the states, which will be used as sources of
admixture, contamination and ancestral alleles. By convention I use
all-caps, 3-4 letter abbreviations. There are three possibilities:
1. a population define in the `pop file`
2. a sample name from the vcf file. This will create a single-sample
reference with the same name as the sample
3. a string of the form `NEA=Altai,Vindija33.19`. This will create a
reference named NEA from the samples `Altai` and `Vindija33.19`
- `--pop-file`: A `yaml`-format file that defines
which samples are in which population, and which samples are
- `--rec-file` A file specifying the recombination map. I use the file from here: [](
The reference file has the following columns:
is the chromosome (or contig) idpos
is the physical position of this chromosomeref
are the two alleles present at this locusmap
, is the genetic position (in cM)- a number of pairs of
that give the number of non-reference and reference alleles observed for reference{ID}
, respectively.
I use yaml
-formatted files to define populations, as they are an easily
readable data storage format. The format specification is as follows:
The sampleset
-section defines sources. For example, below we make a source
panel containing the two Neandertals (AltaiNeandertal and Vindija33.19), and a
source named EUR
containing three individuals from the SGDP data set. Finally,
I create a panel named ANC
which contains the aligned chimp (panTro4
In addition, I designate two samples (panTro4
and Denisova11
) as
pseudo-haploid by listing them under pseudo_haploid
. For the outgroup
, this is because we do not care about within-chimp variation, and for
Denisova 11, because it is a low-coverage genome and we cannot get confident
genotype calls.
- AltaiNeandertal
- Vindija33.19
- "B_Crete-1"
- "B_Crete-2"
- "B_French-3"
- panTro4
- Denisova11
- panTro4
The input file for admixfrog
can be created from a bam-file using the
admixfrog-bam --bam {x}.bam --ref {y}.ref.xz --deam-cutoff 3 --length-bin-size 35 --out {x}.in.xz
This will create a file named {x}.in.xz
in admixfrog input format from
. The site will be ascertained on the sites in {y}.ref.xz
. Reads with
a deamination (C->T) in strand direction in the first 3 bases will be considered
separately for purposes of contamination estimations. Reads will also be binned
in bins of size 35bp for contamination estimation.
the infile has 5 mandatory columns, called chrom
, pos
, tref
and talt
. lib
is optional.
The columns are
- `chrom` is the chromosome (or contig) id
- `pos` is the physical position of this chromosome
- `lib` is a library/read group id. Reads are split by `lib` for contamination
- `tref`, `talt` are the number of refernce and non-reference reads observed for
this position.
a simple viz is
a = read_csv("admixfrog/5000/AFR_VIN_DEN/Papuan_archaicadmixture.bin.xz")
a %>% gather(k, v, -chrom:-n_snps) %>%
filter(k!="AFR", v>.1) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=map, y=v, fill=k)) + geom_col() +
facet_wrap(~chrom, ncol=1, strip='l')
There are currently six output files. All of them are compressed with LZMA.
: contamination estimates for each read group*.bin.xz
: posterior decoding for each bin along the genome*.snp.xz
: posterior genotype likelihoods for each SNP, taking contamination into acccount*.pars.yaml
: parameter estimates*.rle.xz
: called runs of ancesstry*.res.xz
: simulated runs of ancestry
The contamination and error estimates are in an xz-compressed csv format and will look like this:
Eac row represents a subset of reads for which error and contamination rates estimated independently. The columns are
: a unique string used to group reads. This can be any value, but the program tries to split the string according to the format{rg}_{len_bin}_{deam}
. If present in this way, the corresponding columns will be filledrg
: Read grouplen_bin
: Length-bindeam
: whether reads have a terminal deaminationcont
: contamination estimateerror
: sequencing error estimaten_snps
: how many reads are in this class
The posterior decoding is in xz-compressed csv format and will look like this
Each row represents a bin used in the HMM-algorithm, and the columns are
: chromosome of binmap
: map (genetic) coordinate of lower bin boundarypos
: physical coordinate of lower bin boundaryid
: id of bin (unique number, starting from 0, ordered along chromosome)haploid
: flag set to True if bin is haploidviterbi
: Viterbi (Maximum-likelihood) decoding of bin staten_snps
: number of observed SNP present in bin
the remaining columns (AFK
in the example) give the posterior probability
for the bin being in a given state. The number of columns will vary according to the references
used, and their values sum up to 1. In the example, there are two homozygous states (AFK
and a heterozygous state AFKARC
, designated by a concatenation of the two
Results by SNP. xz-compressed csv format.
Each row is a SNP
: chromosome SNP is onpos
: physical position of SNPmap
: genetic position of SNPtref
: number of reference reads at SNPtalt
: number of alt reads at SNPG0,G1,G2
: log10-likelihood of SNP state 0, 1, 2p
: estimated allele frequency of derived allelebin
: bin-id this SNP is in
Samples of the posterior given the learned parameters and data are given in xz-compressed csv format and will look like this
Each row represents a segment in the same state, and the columns are:
: Length (in bins) of segmentstart
: Start(id) of segmentend
: End(id) of segmentstate
: State of segmentit
: iteration / sample number of posterior samplechrom
: chromosome sampled
For example, the above snipped designates the 0th iteration of chromosome 9,
the first bin is homozyogus for the AFK
state, then two segments, one 5 bins
long, one 25 bins long, start in the ARC
Called introgressed tracts. Calls are done in two formats:
refers to calls where tracts are continued regardless whether they are homozygous or heterozygoushet
designate runs that are strictly heterozygous or homozygous
Each row represents a segment in the same state, and the columns are:
: Chromosome the segment is onscore
: Numerical score giving certainty of fragment, unnormalized or normalized by bin sizetarget
: iteration / sample number of posterior samplemap_start
: start, end and length in genetic mappos_start
: start, end and length in physical mapstart
: start, end and length in Bin idtype
: type of segment call (zygosity vs simple state)target
: target state for the segment
In yaml format
: names of states. All other parameters are given in this orderF
: estimates of drift parameters per homozygous statealpha0, alpha0_hap
: stationary probabilities for diploid and haploid states, respectivelytrans
: diploid and haploid tranition probabilityerror
: error estimatescont
: contamination estimatessex
: assumed sex of individual
Full documentation is not yeat available, this is a dump of the help file for now.
Changes are that admixfrog --help
will give more up-to-date info
For the detailed description of the algorithm, see docs/admixfrog.pdf
Benjamin Peter [email protected]
usage: admixfrog [-h] [-v] [--target-file TARGET_FILE] [--ref REF_FILES]
[--filter-delta FILTER_DELTA] [--filter-pos FILTER_POS]
[--filter-map FILTER_MAP] [--male] [--female]
[--bamfile BAMFILE] [--force-target-file]
[--deam-cutoff DEAM_CUTOFF] [--minmapq MINMAPQ]
[--length-bin-size LENGTH_BIN_SIZE] [--vcfgt VCFGT]
[--target TARGET] [--geno-file GENO_FILE] [--guess-ploidy]
[--dont-est-contamination] [--est-error]
[--freq-contamination FREQ_CONTAMINATION] [--est-F]
[--est-tau] [--freq-F FREQ_F] [--est-inbreeding]
[--F0 [F0 [F0 ...]]] [--tau0 [TAU0 [TAU0 ...]]] [--e0 E0]
[--c0 C0] [--gt-mode] [-b BIN_SIZE] [--prior PRIOR] [-P]
[--max-iter MAX_ITER] [--ll-tol LL_TOL] [--dont-split-lib]
[--autosomes-only] [--downsample DOWNSAMPLE]
[--init-guess [INIT_GUESS [INIT_GUESS ...]]]
[--vcf-ref VCF_REF] [--rec-file REC_FILE]
[--rec-rate REC_RATE] [--pos-id POS_ID] [--map-id MAP_ID]
[--chroms CHROMS] [--force-ref] [--run-penalty RUN_PENALTY]
[--n-post-replicates N_POST_REPLICATES] [--outname OUTNAME]
[--no-rle] [--no-snp] [--no-bin] [--no-cont] [--no-rsim]
[--no-pars] [--states [STATES [STATES ...]]]
[--state-file STATE_FILE] [--cont-id CONT_ID]
[--ancestral ANCESTRAL]
Infer admixture frogments from low-coverage and contaminated genomes
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--target-file TARGET_FILE, --infile TARGET_FILE, --in TARGET_FILE
Sample input file (csv). Contains individual specific
data, obtained from a bam file. - Fields are chrom,
pos, map, lib, tref, talt" - chrom: chromosome - pos :
physical position (int) - map : rec position (float) -
lib : read group. Any string, same string assumes same
contamination - tref : number of reference reads
observed - talt: number of alt reads observed
--ref REF_FILES, --ref-file REF_FILES
refernce input file (csv). - Fields are chrom, pos,
ref, alt, map, X_alt, X_ref - chrom: chromosome - pos
: physical position (int) - ref : refrence allele -
alt : alternative allele - map : rec position (float)
- X_alt, X_ref : alt/ref alleles from any number of
sources / contaminant populations. these are used
later in --cont-id and --state-id flags
--filter-delta FILTER_DELTA
only use sites with allele frequency difference bigger
than DELTA (default off)
--filter-pos FILTER_POS
greedily prune sites to be at least POS positions
--filter-map FILTER_MAP
greedily prune sites to be at least MAP recombination
distance apart
--male Assumes haploid X chromosome. Default is guess from
coverage. currently broken
--female Assumes diploid X chromosome. Default is guess from
--vcfgt VCFGT, --vcf-gt VCFGT, --vcf-target_file VCFGT
VCF input file. To generate input format for admixfrog
in genotype mode, use this.
--target TARGET, --sample-id TARGET
sample id if target is read from vcf or geno file. No
effect for bam-file
--chroms CHROMS, --chromosome-files CHROMS
The chromosomes to be used in vcf-mode.
--states [STATES [STATES ...]], --state-ids [STATES [STATES ...]]
the allowed sources. The target will be made of a mix
of all homozygous and heterozygous combinations of
states. More than 4 or 5 sources have not been tested
and are not recommended. Must be present in the ref
--state-file STATE_FILE, --pop-file STATE_FILE
Population assignments (yaml format)
--cont-id CONT_ID, --cont CONT_ID
the source of contamination. Must be specified in ref
Outgroup population with the ancestral allele. By
default, assume ancestral allele is unknown
bam parsing:
--bamfile BAMFILE, --bam BAMFILE
Bam File to process. Choose this or target_file. The
resulting input file will be writen in {out}.in.xz, so
it doesn't need to be regenerated. If the input file
exists, an error is generated unless --force-target-
file is set
--force-target-file, --force-bam, --force-infile
--deam-cutoff DEAM_CUTOFF
reads with deamination in positions < deam-cutoff are
considered separately
--minmapq MINMAPQ reads with mapq < MINMAPQ are removed
--length-bin-size LENGTH_BIN_SIZE
if set, reads are binned by length for contamination
geno (Eigenstrat/Admixtools/Reich) format
parser options:
--geno-file GENO_FILE, --gfile GENO_FILE
geno file name (without extension, expects
.snp/.ind/.geno files). Only reads binary format for
--guess-ploidy guess ploidy of individuals (use if e.g. random read
sample inds are present)
options that control estimation of model
Don't estimate contamination (default do)
--est-error estimate sequencing error per rg
update frequency for contamination/error (default 1)
--est-F, -f Estimate F (distance from ref, default False)
--est-tau, -tau Estimate tau (population structure in references)
--freq-F FREQ_F, --f FREQ_F
update frequency for F (default 1)
--est-inbreeding, -I allow haploid (i.e. inbreed) stretches. Experimental
--F0 [F0 [F0 ...]] initial F (should be in [0;1]) (default 0)
--tau0 [TAU0 [TAU0 ...]]
initial log-tau (default 0), at most 1 per source
--e0 E0, -e E0 initial error rate
--c0 C0, -c C0 initial contamination rate
options that control the algorithm behavior:
--gt-mode, --gt Assume genotypes are known.
-b BIN_SIZE, --bin-size BIN_SIZE
Size of bins. By default, this is given in 1e-8 cM, so
that the unit is approximately the same for runs on
physical / map positions
--prior PRIOR, -p PRIOR
Prior of reference allele frequencies. If None
(default, recommended), this is estimated from the
data This number is added to both the ref and alt
allele count for each reference, to reflect the
uncertainty in allele frequencies from a sample. If
references are stationary with size 2N, this is
approximately [\sum_i^{2N}(1/i) 2N]^{-1}.
-P, --pos-mode Instad of recombination distances, use physical
distances for binning
--max-iter MAX_ITER, -m MAX_ITER
maximum number of iterations
--ll-tol LL_TOL stop EM when DeltaLL < ll-tol
--dont-split-lib estimate one global contamination parameter (default:
one per read group)
--autosomes-only Only run autosomes
--downsample DOWNSAMPLE
downsample coverage to a proportion of reads
--init-guess [INIT_GUESS [INIT_GUESS ...]]
init transition so that one state is favored. should
be a state in --state-ids
creating reference file:
--vcf-ref VCF_REF, --vcf VCF_REF
VCF File to process. Choose this or reffile. The
resulting ref file will be writen as {out}.ref.xz, so
it doesn't need to be regenerated. If the input file
exists, an error is generated unless --force-ref is
--rec-file REC_FILE, --rec REC_FILE
Recombination rate file. Modelled after If file is
split by chromosome, use {CHROM} as wildcards where
the chromosome id will be included
--rec-rate REC_RATE Constant recombination rate (per generation per base-
--pos-id POS_ID column name for position (default: Physical_Pos)
--map-id MAP_ID column name for genetic map (default: AA_Map)
--force-ref, --force-vcf
call introgressed fragments:
--run-penalty RUN_PENALTY
penalty for runs. Lower value means runs are called
more stringently (default 0.2)
--n-post-replicates N_POST_REPLICATES
Number of replicates that are sampled from posterior.
Useful for parameter estimation and bootstrapping
output name and files to be generated:
By default, all files are generated. However, if any of the --no-\* options
are used to disable specific files
--outname OUTNAME, --out OUTNAME, -o OUTNAME
Output file path (without extensions)
--no-rle Disabble Estimating runs and writeing to file with
extension .rle.xz
--no-snp Disable writing posterior genotype likelihood to file
with extension .snp.xz
--no-bin Disable writing posterior states to file with
extension .bin.xz
--no-cont Disable writing contamination estimates to file with
extension .bin.xz
--no-rsim Disable writing posterior simulations of runs to file
with extension .res.xz
--no-pars Disable writing parameters to file with extension
Admixslug is a genotype likelihood method for contaminated low-coverage data. It works by computing a conditional site-frequency spectrum. It uses mostly the same file formats as admixfrog and is therefore for now in the same repository.
Documentation is still under construction, but a typical command would be
Like admixfrog, admixslug requires two input files;
- a reference file with information from high-quality samples
- a sample file that stores read information for a sample in compact format
admixfrog-bam2 --ref ref/ref_bigsteffi.csv.xz --bamfile bams/bigsteffi/Broion.bam --out samples2/ --length-bin-size 1
The reference file is created exactly the same way as in admixfrog. The bamfile
contains the reads to be analyzed, and the --out
flag designates where the
input file will be stored. see admixfrog-bam2 --help
for details.
The following command runs admixslug on a single sample stored in
using the sites from ref/ref_bigsteffi.csv.xz
and saving the output files in admixslug/jk10/ALT_VIN_CHA_DEN/Broion_bigsteffi
admixslug --infile samples2/ \
--ref ref/ref_bigsteffi.csv.xz \
-o admixslug/jk10/ALT_VIN_CHA_DEN/Broion_bigsteffi
--states ALT VIN CHA DEN
--cont-id EUR
--ancestral PAN
--ll-tol 0.01
--ptol 0.001
--max-iter 100
--filter-pos 50
--len-bin 2000
--jk-resamples 10
The remaining arguments are
: The reference samples or populations to condition the SFS on--cont-id
: The putative contaminant panel--ancestral
The ancestral state (these three need to be defined in the reference file)--ll-tol, -ptol
: Convergence criteria in terms of log-likelihood and changes in parameter values, respectively--max-iter
: The maximum number of iterations--filter-pos
: filter position to be at least x bases apart--filter-ancestral
: only retain sites with ancestral allele info--len-bin k
: attempt to bin reads into bins with around k sites. Higher numbers of k will result in fewer length-bins for contamination estimation, and lower numbers will result in many uncertain estimates--jk-resamples
: the nubmer of jackknife resamples for standard error estimation
The main outputs are
This file, named {out}.cont.xz contains contamination info.
This file, named {out}.sfs.xz contains info on the estimated SFS
This file, named {out}.vcf contains a vcf file with i) random read samples, ii) genotype likelihoods and iii) genotype probabilities for all sites with coverage
This file, named {out}.snp.xz contains similar info as the VCF file, but more easily readable in R
Full command here:
usage: admixslug [-h] [-v] [--target-file TARGET_FILE] [--ref REF_FILES]
[--filter-delta FILTER_DELTA] [--filter-pos FILTER_POS]
[--filter-map FILTER_MAP] [--filter-high-cov FILTER_HIGH_COV]
[--filter-ancestral] [--male] [--female] [--chroms CHROMS]
[--vcf-sample-name VCF_SAMPLE_NAME] [--force-ref]
[--seed SEED] [--bamfile BAMFILE] [--force-target-file]
[--deam-cutoff DEAM_CUTOFF] [--minmapq MINMAPQ]
[--min-length MIN_LENGTH] [--length-bin-size LENGTH_BIN_SIZE]
[--report-alleles] [--vcfgt VCFGT] [--target TARGET]
[--dont-est-contamination] [--dont-est-error]
[--dont-est-bias] [--dont-est-F] [--est-tau]
[--F0 [F0 [F0 ...]]] [--tau0 [TAU0 [TAU0 ...]]] [--e0 E0]
[--b0 B0] [--c0 C0] [--max-iter MAX_ITER] [--ll-tol LL_TOL]
[--ptol PTOL] [--dont-split-lib] [--autosomes-only]
[--downsample DOWNSAMPLE]
[--fake-contamination FAKE_CONTAMINATION]
[--deam-bin-size DEAM_BIN_SIZE] [--len-bin-size LEN_BIN_SIZE]
[--jk-resamples JK_RESAMPLES] [--outname OUTNAME] [--no-snp]
[--no-cont] [--no-pars] [--no-sfs] [--no-vcf]
[--states [STATES [STATES ...]]] [--state-file STATE_FILE]
[--cont-id CONT_ID] [--ancestral ANCESTRAL]
[--random-read-samples [RANDOM_READ_SAMPLES [RANDOM_READ_SAMPLES ...]]]
Infer sfs and contamination from low-coverage and contaminated genomes
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--target-file TARGET_FILE, --infile TARGET_FILE, --in TARGET_FILE
Sample input file (csv). Contains individual specific
data, obtained from a bam file. - Fields are chrom,
pos, map, lib, tref, talt" - chrom: chromosome - pos :
physical position (int) - map : rec position (float) -
lib : read group. Any string, same string assumes same
contamination - tref : number of reference reads
observed - talt: number of alt reads observed
--ref REF_FILES, --ref-file REF_FILES
refernce input file (csv). - Fields are chrom, pos,
ref, alt, map, X_alt, X_ref - chrom: chromosome - pos
: physical position (int) - ref : refrence allele -
alt : alternative allele - map : rec position (float)
- X_alt, X_ref : alt/ref alleles from any number of
sources / contaminant populations. these are used
later in --cont-id and --state-id flags
--filter-delta FILTER_DELTA
only use sites with allele frequency difference bigger
than DELTA (default off)
--filter-pos FILTER_POS
greedily prune sites to be at least POS positions
--filter-map FILTER_MAP
greedily prune sites to be at least MAP recombination
distance apart
--filter-high-cov FILTER_HIGH_COV, --filter-highcov FILTER_HIGH_COV
remove SNP with highest coverage (default 0.001, i.e.
0.1% of SNP are removed)
--filter-ancestral remove sites with no ancestral allele information
--male Assumes haploid X chromosome. Default is guess from
coverage. currently broken
--female Assumes diploid X chromosome. Default is guess from
--chroms CHROMS, --chromosome-files CHROMS
The chromosomes to be used in vcf-mode.
--vcf-sample-name VCF_SAMPLE_NAME
sample name to be used in admixslug
--force-ref, --force-vcf
--seed SEED random number generator seed for resampling
--vcfgt VCFGT, --vcf-gt VCFGT, --vcf-target_file VCFGT
VCF input file. To generate input format for admixfrog
in genotype mode, use this.
--target TARGET, --sample-id TARGET
sample id if target is read from vcf or geno file. No
effect for bam-file
--no-sfs Disable output of sfs
--no-vcf Disable output of vcf
--states [STATES [STATES ...]], --state-ids [STATES [STATES ...]]
the allowed sources. The target will be made of a mix
of all homozygous and heterozygous combinations of
states. More than 4 or 5 sources have not been tested
and are not recommended. Must be present in the ref
--state-file STATE_FILE, --pop-file STATE_FILE
Population assignments (yaml format)
--cont-id CONT_ID, --cont CONT_ID
the source of contamination. Must be specified in ref
Outgroup population with the ancestral allele. By
default, assume ancestral allele is unknown
Set a sample as a pseudo-haploid random-read sample
for the reference. This means when creating a
reference, only one allele is taken.
bam parsing:
--bamfile BAMFILE, --bam BAMFILE
Bam File to process. Choose this or target_file. The
resulting input file will be writen in {out}.in.xz, so
it doesn't need to be regenerated. If the input file
exists, an error is generated unless --force-target-
file is set
--force-target-file, --force-bam, --force-infile
--deam-cutoff DEAM_CUTOFF
reads with deamination in positions < deam-cutoff are
considered separately
--minmapq MINMAPQ reads with mapq < MINMAPQ are removed
--min-length MIN_LENGTH
reads with length < MIN_LENGTH are removed
--length-bin-size LENGTH_BIN_SIZE
if set, reads are binned by length for contamination
--report-alleles whether contamination/error rates should be
conditioned on alleles present at locus
options that control estimation of model
Don't estimate contamination (default do)
--dont-est-error estimate sequencing error per rg
--dont-est-bias merge error rates ref -> alt and alt -> ref
--dont-est-F Estimate F (distance from ref, default False)
--est-tau, -tau Estimate tau (population structure in references)
--F0 [F0 [F0 ...]] initial F (should be in [0;1]) (default 0)
--tau0 [TAU0 [TAU0 ...]]
initial log-tau (default 0), at most 1 per source
--e0 E0, -e E0 initial error rate
--b0 B0, -b B0 initial ref bias rate
--c0 C0, -c C0 initial contamination rate
options that control the algorithm behavior:
--max-iter MAX_ITER, -m MAX_ITER
maximum number of iterations
--ll-tol LL_TOL stop EM when DeltaLL < ll-tol
--ptol PTOL stop EM when parameters change by less than ptol
--dont-split-lib estimate one global contamination parameter (default:
one per read group)
--autosomes-only Only run autosomes
--downsample DOWNSAMPLE
downsample coverage to a proportion of reads
--fake-contamination FAKE_CONTAMINATION
Adds fake-contamination from the contamination panel
--deam-bin-size DEAM_BIN_SIZE, --deam-bin DEAM_BIN_SIZE
bin size for deamination
--len-bin-size LEN_BIN_SIZE, --len-bin LEN_BIN_SIZE
bin size for deamination
--jk-resamples JK_RESAMPLES, --n-resamples JK_RESAMPLES
number of resamples for Jackknife standard error
output name and files to be generated:
By default, all files are generated. However, if any of the --no-* options
are used to disable specific files
--outname OUTNAME, --out OUTNAME, -o OUTNAME
Output file path (without extensions)
--no-snp Disable writing posterior genotype likelihood to file
with extension .snp.xz
--no-cont Disable writing contamination estimates to file with
extension .bin.xz
--no-pars Disable writing parameters to file with extension