Media Managment Library for ActiveRecord and Carrierwave
Easy way to link media (ie image, audio, video, pdf, …) on other activerecords models
Use branch rails2.3 for Rails 2.3.x (gem install has_media -v=v0.1.3)
Use branch rails3 for Rails 3 (gem install has_media)
gem install has_media
rails generate has_media:install
The generator will create :
migration for activerecord
initializer for HasMedia configuration
locales files
You must defined model and uploader with the name given in the :only option
Examples are in the /examples directory…
Available methods are :
has_one_medium : Link to one medium
has_many_media : Link to many media
Available options are :
only : restrict medium type to link on
encode : if false is given, set the encode status of this medium to NO_ENCODING instead of ENCODE_WAIT, default to true
Example :
class MyModelWithMedia < ActiveRecord::Base has_one_medium :image, :only => :image has_many_media :images, :only => :image has_one_medium :audio, :only => :audio has_many_media :audios, :only => :audio has_one_medium :image_no_encode, :only => :image, :encode => false has_one_medium :pdf, :encode => false end
Configuration take place in config/initializers/has_media.rb
# Set the directory path to use to store media HasMedia.directory_path = "media" # Set the base uri to access media HasMedia.directory_uri = "/media" # Set custom error messages HasMedia.errors_messages = {:type_error => I18n.t('has_media.errors.type_error')} # Set the allowed medium types (used if no :only option given) for you application # Set the allowed mime types for each medium type HasMedia.medium_types = { "Image" => ["image/jpeg", "image/png"], "Video" => ["video/mp4"], "Audio" => ["audio/mp3"] } # Set the extension of encoded files to use for each medium types (used in file_uri and file_path) HasMedia.encoded_extensions = { :image => 'png', :audio => 'ogg', :video => 'flv' } # Require you uploaders Dir.glob(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../app/uploaders/*.rb').each do |uploader| require uploader end # Change CarrierWave root path CarrierWave.root = HasMedia.directory_path
Add routes for media in your config/routes.rb
resources :media, :only => [:destroy]
Now you can use the has_media_field helper.
<%= form_for(@model, :html => {:multipart => true}) do |f| %> <%= has_media_field @model, :context %> <%= f.submit %> <%- end %>
If you need to overload has_media views, just run : rails generate has_media:views
This will copy has_media views in your application
Just add a callback on media class you want to encode via resque.
Example :
file : app/models/my_model_with_media.rb
class MyModelWithMedia < ActiveRecord::Base has_one_medium :avatar, :only => :my_media end
file : app/models/my_media.rb
class MyMedia < Medium mount_uploader :file, MyMediaUploader after_save :enqueue_encoding def enqueue_encoding Resque.enqueue(EncodeMyMedia, self.original_file_path) end end
file : resque/tasks/encode_my_media.rb
class EncodeMyMedia @queue = :my_media include Magick def self.perform(file) img = img.thumbnail(50, 50).write(file.gsub(/\.[^.]+$/, "") + "_thumb.png") end end
Then you can manage your media like this :
@model = @model.avatar ="my_file.jpg") @model.avatar.original_file_uri => "/media/my_media/:id/my_file.jpg" @model.avatar.file_uri('thumb') => "/media/my_media/:id/my_file_thumb.jpg"
Factory example using factory_girl :
Factory.define :image, :class => Image do |f| f.content_type 'image/jpeg' f.filename 'image.jpg' f.status 'accepted' f.encode_status 0 f.add_attribute :context, 'images' f.file {, '/spec/factories/image.jpg'), 'image/jpeg')} end
Doc for testing (ActionController::TestUploadedFile is now obsolete in rails 3), add HasMediaTestHelper with stub_temp_file method
Add controller and views examples with overload system (form fields, display, …)
Generator for models and uploaders (Type in Image, Video, Audio, Pdf) : rails generate has_media_model Type Name
Document code
add example app on github
klacointe, spk, shingara, nono
Copyright © 2009 AF83. See LICENSE for details.