Warning! THIS PROJECT IS NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE. USE https://40ants.com/project-templates/ INSTEAD.
This is a project skeleton generator which uses Sphinx and reStructured text to render nice and readable HTML documentation.
It is based on Eitaro Fukamachi's cl-project, but provides a modified template with additional setup for documentation folder.
- All documentation is in the reStructured text markup.
- Cross-reference between separate documents.
- Code snippets are highlighted.
- Automatic
update. - Nice-looking theme.
- Integratin with Travis to run tests.
Install it with quicklisp:
TEST> (ql:quickload :cl-project-with-docs)
CL-USER> (ql:quickload :cl-project-with-docs)
To load "cl-project-with-docs":
Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "cl-project-with-docs"
[package cl-emb]..................................
[package cl-emb-intern]...........................
[package bordeaux-threads]........................
[package cl-fad]..................................
[package path]....................................
[package local-time]..............................
[package cl-project.specials].....................
[package cl-project.io]...........................
[package cl-project.file].........................
[package cl-project.middleware]...................
[package cl-project.skeleton].....................
[package cl-project]..............................
[package cl-project-with-docs]
While project is not in Quicklisp, you'll have to clone it with:
git clone https://github.com/40ants/cl-project-with-docs ~/common-lisp/
Then create a project like that:
TEST> (cl-project-with-docs:make-project
:author "Alexander Artemenko"
:description "Make Lisp great again!"
:license "BSD")
writing /tmp/my-great-project/version.lisp-expr
writing /tmp/my-great-project/tasks.py
writing /tmp/my-great-project/my-great-project.asd
writing /tmp/my-great-project/my-great-project-test.asd
writing /tmp/my-great-project/README.rst
writing /tmp/my-great-project/ChangeLog.rst
writing /tmp/my-great-project/.travis.yml
writing /tmp/my-great-project/.gitignore
writing /tmp/my-great-project/docs/requirements.txt
writing /tmp/my-great-project/docs/requirements.in
writing /tmp/my-great-project/docs/Makefile
writing /tmp/my-great-project/docs/source/index.rst
writing /tmp/my-great-project/docs/source/conf.py
writing /tmp/my-great-project/docs/source/changelog.rst
writing /tmp/my-great-project/docs/source/api.rst
writing /tmp/my-great-project/docs/source/_static/.keep
writing /tmp/my-great-project/src/my-great-project.lisp
writing /tmp/my-great-project/t/my-great-project.lisp
To build documentation, you'll need a Sphinx. It is a documentaion building tool written in Python.
To install it, you need a virtualenv. Read this instructions how to install it.
Also, you'll need a cl-launch. It is used by documentation tool to run a script which extracts documentation strings from lisp systems.
Run these commands to build documentation:
virtualenv env source env/bin/activate pip install -r docs/requirements.txt invoke build_docs
These commands will create a virtual environment and
install some python libraries there. Command invoke build_docs
will build documentation and upload it to the GitHub, by replacing
the content of the gh-pages
- Alexander Artemenko
Copyright (c) 2017 Alexander Artemenko
Licensed under the BSD License.