3D City Database 5.0 CLI to import/export city model data and to run database operations.
The citydb-tool is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
file for more details.
The latest stable release of citydb-tool is 1.0.0
Download the latest citydb-tool release as ZIP package here. Previous releases are available from the releases section.
- To file bugs found in the software create a GitHub issue.
- To contribute code for fixing filed issues create a pull request with the issue id.
- To propose a new feature create a GitHub issue and open a discussion.
Download and unzip the latest release or build the program from
source. Afterwards, open a shell environment and run the citydb
script from the program folder to launch the
program. Another option is to use the citydb-tool Docker image.
To show the help message and all available commands of the citydb-tool, simply type the following:
> citydb --help
This will print the following usage information:
Usage: citydb [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Command-line interface for the 3D City Database.
[@<filename>...] One or more argument files containing options.
--config-file=<file> Load configuration from this file.
-L, --log-level=<level> Log level: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
(default: info).
--log-file=<file> Write log messages to this file.
--pid-file=<file> Create a file containing the process ID.
--plugins=<dir> Load plugins from this directory.
Enable or disable plugins with a matching fully
qualified class name (default: true).
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
help Display help information about the specified command.
import Import data in a supported format.
export Export data in a supported format.
delete Delete features from the database.
index Perform index operations.
To get help about a specific command of the citydb-tool, enter the following and replace COMMAND
with the name of
the command you want to learn more about:
> citydb help COMMAND
- Java 17 or higher
The citydb-tool can be run on any platform providing appropriate Java support.
citydb-tool is available as Docker image. You can either build your own image using the provided Dockerfile
or use a pre-built image from Dockerhub or
GitHub packages. The pre-built image supports
common architectures (amd64
, arm64
) can can be pulled with:
docker pull 3dcitydb/citydb-tool
docker pull ghcr.io/3dcitydb/citydb-tool
The Docker image exposes the commands of the citydb-tool
, as described
in the usage section.
The environment variables listed below can be used to specify a 3DCityDB v5 connection. To exchange data with the
container, mount a host folder to /data
inside the container.
docker run --rm --name citydb-tool [-i -t] \
[-e CITYDB_HOST=the.host.de] \
[-e CITYDB_PORT=5432] \
[-e CITYDB_NAME=theDBName] \
[-e CITYDB_SCHEMA=theCityDBSchemaName] \
[-e CITYDB_USERNAME=theUsername] \
[-e CITYDB_PASSWORD=theSecretPass] \
[-e CITYDB_CONN_PROPS=connProperties] \
[-v /my/data/:/data] \
3dcitydb/citydb-tool[:TAG] COMMAND
The citydb-tool uses Gradle as build system. To build the program from source, clone the repository to your local machine and run the following command from the root of the repository.
> gradlew installDist
The script automatically downloads all required dependencies for building and running the citydb-tool. So make sure you are connected to the internet. The build process runs on all major operating systems and only requires a Java 11 JDK or higher to run.
If the build was successful, you will find the citydb-tool package under citydb-cli/build/install