Script is optimized to generate a lot of small text files with random chars within,
please do not use it for generation files with size more than tens of megabytes,
it will not be effective cos it keep in memory whole content of file.
For generation of big files please consider usage of /dev/random
or /dev/zero
for example: dd if=/dev/random of=1Gb-file bs=1G count=1
$ go install
Create 1 hundred of 10K files in test1
$ filegen -count 100 -size 10K -path test1
Create 1 thousand of files with random size from 5K to 10K:
$ filegen -count 1000 -size 10K -random-size-min 5K
These are tasks of xc runner.
Run VHS fo update gifs.
vhs demo.tape
Upload to Imgur and update readme.
. .env && url=`curl --location \
--header "Authorization: Client-ID ${clientId}" \
--form [email protected] \
--form type=image \
--form title=filegen \
--form description=Demo | jq -r ''`
sed -i "s#^\!\[Demo\].*##"