Type following commands into your terminal, if you are using a VPS, log in into your VPS.
$ sudo apt install -y curl
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hoprnet/hopr-sh/master/setup-hoprd.sh --output setup-hoprd.sh
$ chmod +x setup-hoprd.sh
$ ./setup-hoprd.sh
Type following commands into your terminal, if you are using a VPS, log in into your VPS.
In case you have not installed it already, install the XCode CLI Tools via:
$ sudo xcode-select --install
Also check whether you have installed Homebrew - the OSX package manager - and install it if it is not installed yet.
$ brew install curl
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hoprnet/hopr-sh/master/setup-hoprd-macos.sh --output setup-hoprd.sh
$ chmod +x setup-hoprd.sh
$ ./setup-hoprd.sh
Find the version you want to run in our Docker Registry and use it as a base image. Latest version is tagged as latest
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/app/db \
-e NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096 -e DEBUG=hopr\* \
-p 9091:9091 -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 \
-it gcr.io/hoprassociation/hoprd:latest \
--password switzerland --init --rest --restHost --admin --adminHost
With these commands (choose according to your setup), we will run hoprd and store logs. When running this command the first time, it will create folder db
in which it will store your private data.
DEBUG=hopr*,libp2p:mplex:stream hoprd --init --rest --admin
DEBUG=hopr*,libp2p:mplex:stream hoprd --init --rest --admin --adminHost
DEBUG=hopr*,libp2p:mplex:stream hoprd --init --rest --admin 2>&1 | tee hoprd-logs.txt
DEBUG=hopr*,libp2p:mplex:stream hoprd --init --rest --admin --adminHost
DEBUG=hopr*,libp2p:mplex:stream hoprd --init --rest --admin
Visit http://localhost:3000.
$ ssh -L 3000: root@`<VPS ip address>`
# you'll then be prompted to enter your password
Then visit http://localhost:3000 on your browser.
in the local computer:
$ scp `<VPS username>`@`<VPS ip address>`:~/hoprd-logs.txt ~/
OS | version | works |
ubuntu | 16.04.1 | ✔️ |
debian | 4.19 | ✔️ |
macOS (x86) | 10.15.7 | ✔️ |
macOS (ARM) | 10.15.7 | ✔️ |