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Feature: Add the "?." operator (null-conditional operator) to support navigation properties with null values #98

jotab123 opened this issue Jul 31, 2017 · 51 comments


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jotab123 commented Jul 31, 2017

Hi Stef,

I'm trying to project a sequence of items with a related property (object) which in some cases is null.

Having this classes:

  public class Item
      public int Id { get; set; }
      public RelatedItem Related { get; set; }

  public class RelatedItem
      public string Value { get; set; }

Consider this scenario:

var listItem = new List<Item>();

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    listItem.Add(new Item
       Id = i,
       Related = i % 2 == 0 ? new RelatedItem{ Value = i % 4 == 0 ? "Related value " + i : null } : null

var result1 = listItem.Select(i => i.Related?.Value);
var result2 = listItem.AsQueryable().Select("Related.Value");

Result1 works fine and has the expected result (a list of items with Related.Value value or null, in case of Item has Related object assigned or not) but Result2 generates an object reference exception. Is there any way to achieve this?


System.Linq.Dynamic.Core version

@StefH StefH self-assigned this Jul 31, 2017
@StefH StefH added the question label Jul 31, 2017
@StefH StefH changed the title Select navigation properties with null values. Question: Select navigation properties with null values. Jul 31, 2017
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StefH commented Jul 31, 2017

You could use the isnull(a,b) operator or the ?? operator.

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It seems not to work with navigation properties. Ex:

var result2 = listItem.AsQueryable().Select("Related.Value ?? null");
var result2 = listItem.AsQueryable().Select("isnull(Related.Value,null)");

Throws the exception.

Finally, I could solve it with:
var result2 = listItem.AsQueryable().Select("Related == null ? null : Related.Value");

It would be great for future versions if you consider supporting the ? operator to improve this kind of queries.

Thanks again!

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StefH commented Jul 31, 2017

Actually you want the ?. operator ?

@StefH StefH reopened this Jul 31, 2017
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jotab123 commented Jul 31, 2017

Yes. I'm having problems because of the implicit conversion of types. In the example before, if Value of RelatedItem is a non-nullable type (double, int...) I cannot use a expression like "Related == null ? null : Related.Value", it throws an exception.

@StefH StefH added the feature label Aug 1, 2017
@StefH StefH changed the title Question: Select navigation properties with null values. Feature: Select navigation properties with null values (add the ".?" operator) Aug 1, 2017
@StefH StefH changed the title Feature: Select navigation properties with null values (add the ".?" operator) Feature: Add the ".?" operator (select navigation properties with null values) Aug 1, 2017
@StefH StefH changed the title Feature: Add the ".?" operator (select navigation properties with null values) Feature: Add the "?." operator (null-conditional operator) to support navigation properties with null values Aug 1, 2017
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StefH commented Aug 1, 2017

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StefH commented Aug 1, 2017

I found out that it's not supported for Lambda expressions : An expression tree lambda may not contain a null propagating operator

See also here:

So I can try to add this functionality, but probably it wont work...

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peter-base commented Oct 25, 2017

I am in the same scenario trying to sort a List of objects by their navigation properties.
How did you ended up sorting by the navigation property (RelatedItem.Value)?
I ended up implementing something like the following:

            string propertyName = "RelatedItem.Value";
            var properties = propertyName.Split('.');
            var prop1 = properties[0]; //RelatedItem
            var prop2 = properties[1]; //Value
            bool isValueType = people.AsQueryable().ElementType.GetProperty(prop1).PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType;

            if (!isValueType)
                propertyName = $"{prop1} == null ? null : {propertyName}";
            var orderedItems = listItems.AsQueryable().OrderBy(propertyName);
            foreach (var item in orderedItems)

Thank you

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jotab123 commented Oct 28, 2017

Hi @peter-base ,
You can use something like:

var relatedItemType = people.AsQueryable().ElementType.GetProperty(prop1).PropertyType;
var valueTypeName = relatedItemType.GetProperty(prop2).PropertyType.Name;

var query = $"{prop1} == null ? null : {valueTypeName}?({propertyName})"
var orderedItems = listItems.AsQueryable().OrderBy(query);

Hope it helps!

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jotab123 commented Nov 8, 2017

Hi Stef,

I've been researching about null-conditional operator and I found some interesting things.

  • First: I created this program to analyse the code:
 class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var item = new Item();

            var result = item?.Relation1?.Relation2?.Id;

        class Item
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public Relation1 Relation1 { get; set; }

        class Relation1
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public Relation2 Relation2 { get; set; }

        class Relation2
            public int Id { get; set; }
  • Second: Decompile it with ILSpy and look how the Main method is generated by compiler:
// C# Code
// ConsoleApp1.Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
	Program.Item item = new Program.Item();
	if (item == null)
		int? arg_48_0 = null;
		Program.Relation1 expr_1B = item.Relation1;
		if (expr_1B == null)
			int? arg_48_0 = null;
			Program.Relation2 expr_2F = expr_1B.Relation2;
			if (expr_2F == null)
				int? arg_48_0 = null;
				new int?(expr_2F.Id);

//IL Code
.method private hidebysig static void Main (string[] args) cil managed 
	// Method begins at RVA 0x2050
	// Code size 74 (0x4a)
	.maxstack 2
	.locals init (
		[0] class ConsoleApp1.Program/Item item,
		[1] valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32> result,
		[2] valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>

	IL_0000: nop
	IL_0001: newobj instance void ConsoleApp1.Program/Item::.ctor()
	IL_0006: stloc.0
	IL_0007: ldloc.0
	IL_0008: brtrue.s IL_0015

	IL_000a: ldloca.s 2
	IL_000c: initobj valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>
	IL_0012: ldloc.2
	IL_0013: br.s IL_0048

	IL_0015: ldloc.0
	IL_0016: call instance class ConsoleApp1.Program/Relation1 ConsoleApp7.Program/Item::get_Relation1()
	IL_001b: dup
	IL_001c: brtrue.s IL_002a

	IL_001e: pop
	IL_001f: ldloca.s 2
	IL_0021: initobj valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>
	IL_0027: ldloc.2
	IL_0028: br.s IL_0048

	IL_002a: call instance class ConsoleApp1.Program/Relation2 ConsoleApp7.Program/Relation1::get_Relation2()
	IL_002f: dup
	IL_0030: brtrue.s IL_003e

	IL_0032: pop
	IL_0033: ldloca.s 2
	IL_0035: initobj valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>
	IL_003b: ldloc.2
	IL_003c: br.s IL_0048

	IL_003e: call instance int32 ConsoleApp1.Program/Relation2::get_Id()
	IL_0043: newobj instance void valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>::.ctor(!0)

	IL_0048: stloc.1
	IL_0049: ret
} // end of method Program::Main
  • Third: As you can see, the null-conditional operator only generates code that check if non value types are null and creates new nullable type for value types.
    I've been able to reproduce it in your library doing the next changes in ExpressionParser.cs:

Expression ParsePrimary()
            Expression expr = ParsePrimaryStart();
            while (true)
                if (_textParser.CurrentToken.Id == TokenId.Dot)
                    expr = ParseMemberAccess(null, expr);
                else if (_textParser.CurrentToken.Id == TokenId.NullPropagation)
                    expr = ParseAsNullableMemberAccess(expr);
                else if (_textParser.CurrentToken.Id == TokenId.OpenBracket)
                    expr = ParseElementAccess(expr);
            return expr;

  Expression ParseAsNullableMemberAccess(Expression expr)
            expr = ParseMemberAccess(null, expr);

            if (expr.Type.IsValueType && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(expr.Type) == null)
                var nullableType = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(expr.Type);
                expr = Expression.Convert(expr, nullableType);

            return expr;

And now, I can use this kind of query:

var result1 = itemsQueryable.Select("new(it.Id as Id, it.Relation1?.Relation2?.Id as RelationId)")


var result2 = itemsQueryable.Where("it.Relation1?.Relation2?.Id != null")

Could you consider and test this code to include it in your library?


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StefH commented Nov 10, 2017

I have to take a look at your code and update some unit tests.

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StefH commented Jan 29, 2018

Another option would be to pre-process the string, so that

"it.Relation1?.Relation2?.Id != null"


"(it.Relation1 != null ? (it.Relation1.Relation2 != null ? it.Relation1.Relation2.Id : null) : null) != null"

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AmbroiseCouissin commented Sep 13, 2018

@StefH Hi,

It's what I did on my side. This is how I do it:

private static string IgnoreIfNull(string fieldNames)
    string[] splits = fieldNames.Split('?.');
    for (int i = 0; i < splits.Count() - 1; i ++)
        string toBeReplaced = string.Join('.', splits.Take(i + 1));
        fieldNames = fieldNames.Replace(toBeReplaced, $"{toBeReplaced} == null ? null : ({toBeReplaced}") + ")";

    return fieldNames;

It will transform:



"(it == null ? null : (it.Relation1 == null ? null : (it.Relation1.Relation2 == null ? null : it.Relation1.Relation2.Id)))"

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StefH commented Sep 13, 2018

@AmbroiseCouissin This looks like a possible solution, however where to execute this code?

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AmbroiseCouissin commented Sep 13, 2018

@StefH In my case, I use this way:

list = list.AsQueryable().OrderBy($"{IgnoreIfNull("it?.Relation1?.Relation2?.Id")} desc");

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mtozlu commented Nov 13, 2018

Any progress on this?

By the way @AmbroiseCouissin I wrote something like your code. This is more failproof and also null-checks even if no null coalescing operator is defined:

public static class DynamicQueryExtensions
    public static string ConvertToNullableNested(string expression, string result = "", int index = 0)
        //Transforms => "a.b.c" to "(a != null ? (a.b != null ? a.b.c : null) : null)"
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression))
            return null;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
            result = expression;
        var properties = expression.Split(".");
        if (properties.Length == 0 || properties.Length - 1 == index)
            return result;
        var property = string.Join(".", properties.Take(index + 1));
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(property))
            return result;
        result = result.Replace(expression, $"({property} != null ? {expression} : 0)");
        return ConvertToNullableNested(expression, result, index + 1);

I use it the same way you specified:

query.OrderBy($"{DynamicQueryExtensions.ConvertToNullableNested("Entity.Relation1.Relation2.Id")} desc");

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StefH commented Nov 13, 2018


Thanks. I did fix a small issue and added generic support.

public static string ConvertToNullableNested<T>(string expression, object defaultValue = null)
	return ConvertToNullableNested<T>(expression, string.Empty, 0, defaultValue);

public static string ConvertToNullableNested<T>(string expression, string result, int index, object defaultValue)
	if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression))
		return null;

	if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
		result = expression;

	string[] properties = expression.Split('.');
	if (properties.Length == 0 || properties.Length - 1 == index)
		if (typeof(T).IsValueType)
			return result.Replace(expression, $"{typeof(T).Name}?({expression})");

		return result;

	string property = string.Join(".", properties.Take(index + 1));
	if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(property))
		return result;

	string defaultReplacement = defaultValue != null ? defaultValue.ToString() : "null";
	result = result.Replace(expression, $"({property} != null ? {expression} : {defaultReplacement})");
	return ConvertToNullableNested<T>(expression, result, index + 1, defaultValue);

Can be used like:

string finalT = ConvertToNullableNested<int>("it.Relation1.Relation2.Id");
// (it != null ? (it.Relation1 != null ? (it.Relation1.Relation2 != null ? Int32?(it.Relation1.Relation2.Id) : null) : null) : null)

string finalTDef = ConvertToNullableNested<int>("it.Relation1.Relation2.Id", default(int));
// (it != null ? (it.Relation1 != null ? (it.Relation1.Relation2 != null ? Int32?(it.Relation1.Relation2.Id) : 0) : 0) : 0)

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StefH commented Nov 14, 2018

I did some more research and I've update the code in this PR #222 to support automatic casting to nullable valuetypes.

So this code will work now:

var r1 = q.Select("it != null && it.NestedDto2 != null ? it.NestedDto2.Id : null");

Previously you need to use this code:

var r1 = q.Select("it != null && it.NestedDto2 != null ? int?(it.NestedDto2.Id) : null");

This new logic can be used in combination with ConvertToNullableNested helper method.

A simpler approach for that helper method can also be:

string expression = "it.Relation1.Relation2.Id";
string[] properties = expression.Split('.');
var list = new List<string>();
for (int idx = 0; idx < properties.Length - 1; idx++)
    string property = string.Join(".", properties.Take(idx + 1));
    list.Add($"{property} != null");

string str = $"({string.Join(" && ", list)} ? {expression} : null)";

This code generates a string like:

(it != null && it.Relation1 != null && it.Relation1.Relation2 != null ? it.Relation1.Relation2.Id : null)

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mtozlu commented Nov 14, 2018

PR #222 has been a great addition for dynamic Select and OrderBy parameters. In my application, OrderBy parameter is sent from the client table so it can be any column header (including nested properties). Without #222 ; ConvertToNullableNested did not work for me because i couldn't know the type of nested property before sending it to OrderBy extension method.

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StefH commented Nov 14, 2018

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StefH commented Nov 14, 2018


I've added more logic in PR #223 [not yet merged...]
Can be used like:

var q1 = q.Select("np(it.NestedDto2.NestedDto3.Id, 0)"); // returns int's

// or

var q1 = q.Select("np(it.NestedDto2.NestedDto3.Id)"); // returns nullable int's

NuGet can be found at:

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StefH commented Nov 16, 2018


If you have time, can you do some testing with this NuGet:

Null Propagating has been implemented like:

var q1 = q.Select("np(it.NestedDto2.NestedDto3.Id, 0)"); // returns int's

// or

var q1 = q.Select("np(it.NestedDto2.NestedDto3.Id)"); // returns nullable int's

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mtozlu commented Dec 17, 2018

Dear @StefH I really appreciate the hard work. Until new year, i am a bit busy with some deadlines and projects. After that, i will happily test the nuget. Sorry for not being able to help sooner.
Best regards.

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StefH commented Dec 19, 2018

@1dot44mb Thanks for your help.

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StefH commented Jan 9, 2019

@1dot44mb Did you have time to check this new code?

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StefH commented Jan 31, 2019

Hello @jotab123, @peter-base, @1dot44mb, @AmbroiseCouissin : can you please test this functionality?

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StefH commented Feb 5, 2019

closed via PR

@StefH StefH closed this as completed Feb 5, 2019
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MaklaCof commented Feb 5, 2019

Hi, should this work:

public class DbUser
    public int? PartnerId {get;set;}
    public DbPartner Partner {get;set;}

public class DbPartner
    public int Id {get;set;}
    public string Title {get;set;}

? Because I get exception (version 1.0.10):

An expression tree lambda may not contain a null propagating operator.



Without ?. I get

Nullable object must have a value

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StefH commented Feb 5, 2019

you have to use:

var q1 = q.Select("np(it.NestedDto2.NestedDto3.Id, 0)"); // returns int's

// or

var q1 = q.Select("np(it.NestedDto2.NestedDto3.Id)"); // returns nullable int's

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StefH commented Feb 6, 2019

I probably should have added this to the An expression tree lambda may not contain a null propagating operator. exception message...

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ani2479 commented May 10, 2019


I'm trying to use the np function on a Where:

e.g User.Contact.FirstName.ToLower().Contains("or") where the User can be null, so I was trying to get the User?.Contact?.FirstName.

Maybe I don't really know how to use your library, but can you help me?

Entity.Where ("np(User.Contact.FirstName.ToLower().Contains("tor")") and I get The 'np' (null-propagation) function requires the first argument to be a MemberExpression

Maybe you see something I don't. Thanks.

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StefH commented May 10, 2019

If the User can be null, just use this code

Entity.Where ("User != null && User.Contact.FirstName.ToLower().Contains(\"tor\")");

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ani2479 commented May 10, 2019

Thanks. is there no way to use the np with the Where?

Thanks again

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StefH commented May 10, 2019

Sure you can use the np in Where.

Orders.AsQueryable().Where("np(Customer.City, \"\").Contains(\"e\")").Dump();

results in:

-- Region Parameters
DECLARE @p0 NVarChar(1000) = ''
DECLARE @p1 NVarChar(1000) = '%e%'
-- EndRegion
SELECT [t0].[OrderID], [t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[EmployeeID], [t0].[OrderDate], [t0].[RequiredDate], [t0].[ShippedDate], [t0].[ShipVia], [t0].[Freight], [t0].[ShipName], [t0].[ShipAddress], [t0].[ShipCity], [t0].[ShipRegion], [t0].[ShipPostalCode], [t0].[ShipCountry]
FROM [Orders] AS [t0]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Customers] AS [t1] ON [t1].[CustomerID] = [t0].[CustomerID]
        WHEN [t0].[CustomerID] IS NOT NULL THEN [t1].[City]
        ELSE CONVERT(NVarChar(15),@p0)
     END)) LIKE @p1

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ani2479 commented May 10, 2019


Everything seems to be working, except for dates. If I do .OrderBy("np(Customer.EndDate)"), we are getting a System.DateTime cannot be null value.

I will try a couple more things.

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StefH commented May 11, 2019

You mean this error?

ArgumentException: GenericArguments[0], 'System.Nullable1[System.DateTime]', on 'System.Nullable1[T]' violates the constraint of type 'T'.

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ani2479 commented May 11, 2019

Hi, yes.

It is fine if we use any other null columns

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StefH commented May 12, 2019

I've created a new Issue

@StefH StefH removed the question label Nov 19, 2019
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frankiDotNet commented Apr 6, 2020

is there also a way to generate this for lists?

I have an expression like this where e.g. myList is a srting lis and a member of dataSource;

var expressionText = "np(myList).FirstOrDefault"

LambdaExpression e = DynamicExpressionParser.ParseLambda(ParsingConfig.Default, false, dataSource.GetType(),
               typeof(object), expressionText, null);
            var result = (e.Compile()).DynamicInvoke(dataSource);

does not work as expression, the LambdaExpression looks as following:

{Param_0 => Convert(IIF((Param_0 != null), Param_0.myList, null).FirstOrDefault())}

The C# way would look like this:


what would work..

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StefH commented Apr 6, 2020

What happens if you use

var expressionText = "np(myList.FirstOrDefault)"

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np(myList.FirstOrDefault) throws an exception with:

{"No property or field 'FirstOrDefault' exists in type 'List1'"}`

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StefH commented Apr 6, 2020

var expressionText = "np(myList.FirstOrDefault())"

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frankiDotNet commented Apr 6, 2020

Exception = {"The 'np' (null-propagation) function requires the first argument to be a MemberExpression"}

But dataSource has a member that is called myList

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StefH commented Apr 6, 2020

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I have updated to the latest nuget version.. should I use a myget version?

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Maybe it is because I am using the DynamicParser?

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StefH commented Apr 6, 2020

DynamicParsers uses same code.

In my test, I use .Name

Maybe this only works like this.

Else, can you open a new issue with an complete C# example?

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What is striking, is that I am not using code inside a select or a where clause. I am only using an expression based on an object :
Here my test code. If you want I will create a new issue, maybe I am missing something and we will see it here:

public class TestClass{
    public List<string> MyList {get; set;}
var dataSource = new TestClass();
// Let MyList null...

var expressionText = "np(myList.FirstOrDefault())"
LambdaExpression e = DynamicExpressionParser.ParseLambda(ParsingConfig.Default, dataSource.GetType(),
               typeof(object), expressionText, null);
            var result = (e.Compile()).DynamicInvoke(dataSource);

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Opened a new issue based on the information, I think it is because of the primitive list type. #366

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