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Hello! I am trying to implement a set membership proof circuit and I am having some trouble. I basically get the following error when generating the proof:
thread 'main' panicked at src/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: IoError(Custom { kind: UnexpectedEof, error: "expected more bases from source" })note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Here's my code:
use bellman::{
groth16,Circuit,ConstraintSystem,SynthesisError,};use bls12_381::Bls12;use ff::PrimeField;use merkle_tree::{NodeOrder,ProofListItem};use rand::rngs::OsRng;use sha2::{Digest,Sha256};usecrate::merkle_tree::MerkleTree;mod merkle_tree;mod utils;/// Our own SHA-256d gadget. Input and output are in little-endian bit order.fnsha256d<Scalar:PrimeField,CS:ConstraintSystem<Scalar>>(mutcs:CS,data:&[Boolean],) -> Result<Vec<Boolean>,SynthesisError>{// Flip endianness of each input bytelet input:Vec<_> = data
.chunks(8).map(|c| c.iter().rev()).flatten().cloned().collect();let res = sha256(cs.namespace(|| "SHA-256(input)"),&input)?;// Flip endianness of each output byteOk(res
.chunks(8).map(|c| c.iter().rev()).flatten().cloned().collect())}fnmerkle_proofd<Scalar:PrimeField,CS:ConstraintSystem<Scalar>>(mutcs:CS,mutproof_list:Vec<ProofListItem>,hashed_file_contents:&[Boolean],) -> Result<Vec<Boolean>,SynthesisError>{if proof_list.len() < 2{returnOk(Vec::new());}let res = contains_hash(
cs.namespace(|| "SHA-256(res)"),&mut proof_list,&hashed_file_contents,);match res {Ok(Boolean::Constant(false)) | Err(_) => {returnOk(Vec::new());}
_ => {}}while proof_list.len() != 1{let h1 = proof_list.pop().unwrap();let h2 = proof_list.pop().unwrap();match h2.order{Some(NodeOrder::Left) => {let combined = [&h2.hash[..],&h1.hash[..]].concat();let hash = sha256d(cs.namespace(|| "SHA-256(left_leaf)"),&combined).unwrap();
proof_list.push(ProofListItem::new(hash,None));}Some(NodeOrder::Right) => {let combined = [&h1.hash[..],&h2.hash[..]].concat();let hash = sha256d(cs.namespace(|| "SHA-256(right_leaf)"),&combined).unwrap();
proof_list.push(ProofListItem::new(hash,None));}None => {panic!("Should not be None");}}}Ok(proof_list.pop().unwrap().hash)}fnboolean_or<Scalar:PrimeField,CS:ConstraintSystem<Scalar>>(mutcs:CS,a:&Boolean,b:&Boolean,) -> Result<Boolean,SynthesisError>{let not_a = Boolean::not(a);let not_b = Boolean::not(b);let not_a_and_not_b = Boolean::and(cs.namespace(|| "not A AND not B"),¬_a,¬_b)?;Ok(Boolean::not(¬_a_and_not_b))}fncontains_hash<Scalar:PrimeField,CS:ConstraintSystem<Scalar>>(mutcs:CS,proof_list:&mutVec<ProofListItem>,hash:&[Boolean],) -> Result<Boolean,SynthesisError>{letmut found = Boolean::constant(false);// Initially, no match is found.for(i, item)in proof_list.iter().enumerate(){if item.hash.len() != hash.len(){continue;// Skip if lengths differ, cannot be equal.}letmut is_equal = Boolean::constant(true);// Assume equal until proven otherwise.for(j,(a, b))in item.hash.iter().zip(hash).enumerate(){let equal_bits =
Boolean::xor(cs.namespace(|| format!("bit {} in item {}", j, i)), a, b)?;let not_equal_bits = Boolean::not(&equal_bits);
is_equal = Boolean::and(
cs.namespace(|| format!("aggregate equality for item {}", i)),&is_equal,¬_equal_bits,)?;}// Aggregate the results with OR across all items using the custom OR function
found = boolean_or(
cs.namespace(|| format!("aggregate found status after item {}", i)),&found,&is_equal,)?;}Ok(found)}structMerkleProofCircuit{proof_list:Option<Vec<ProofListItem>>,hashed_file_contents:Option<Vec<u8>>,}impl<Scalar:PrimeField>Circuit<Scalar>forMerkleProofCircuit{fnsynthesize<CS:ConstraintSystem<Scalar>>(self,cs:&mutCS) -> Result<(),SynthesisError>{let proof_list = self.proof_list.unwrap_or_default();let bit_values = ifletSome(hashed_file_contents) = self.hashed_file_contents{
.into_iter().map(|byte| (0..8).map(move |i| (byte >> i)&1u8 == 1u8)).flatten().map(|b| Some(b)).collect()}else{vec![None;32*8]};assert_eq!(bit_values.len(),32*8);// Witness the bits of the preimage.let hashed_file_content_bits = bit_values
.into_iter().enumerate()// Allocate each|(i, b)| AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| format!("preimage bit {}", i)), b))// Convert the AllocatedBits into Booleans (required for the sha256 gadget)|b|<Result<Vec<_>,_>>()?;// Now process proof_list, merkle_root, and file_contents in the merkle_proofd function// Ensure merkle_proofd can handle dummy values correctlylet merkle_root = merkle_proofd(
cs.namespace(|| "merkle_root"),
multipack::pack_into_inputs(cs.namespace(|| "pack hash"),&merkle_root)}}fnmain(){let params = {let c = MerkleProofCircuit{proof_list:None,hashed_file_contents:None,};
groth16::generate_random_parameters::<Bls12,_,_>(c,&mutOsRng).unwrap()};let pvk = groth16::prepare_verifying_key(¶ms.vk);// These are the factors we are proving knowledge oflet files = (1..=8).map(|i| {let file_name = format!("file{}.txt", i);let file_content = format!("File {} contents", i).into_bytes();(file_name, file_content)}).collect();let merkle_tree = MerkleTree::new(&files);let merkle_root = merkle_tree.get_root_hash();let merkle_proof = merkle_tree
.generate_merkle_proof("file1.txt",&files).unwrap();let file_contents = files.get("file1.txt").unwrap().clone();let hashed_file_contents:Vec<u8> = Sha256::digest(&file_contents).to_vec();// Create an instance of our circuit (with the preimage as a witness).let c = MerkleProofCircuit{proof_list:Some(merkle_proof),hashed_file_contents:Some(hashed_file_contents),};// Pack the hash as inputs for proof verification.let hash_bits = multipack::bytes_to_bits_le(&merkle_root);let inputs = multipack::compute_multipacking(&hash_bits);let proof = groth16::create_random_proof(c,¶ms,&mutOsRng).unwrap();// assert!(groth16::verify_proof(&pvk, &proof, &[public_input]).is_ok());println!("{:?}", groth16::verify_proof(&pvk,&proof,&inputs));println!("Merkle Tree Proof verified!");}
Can anyone guide me to how to accomplish this? I didn't find any documentation or anything like that just a sha256 example and tried to modify that. I have a very high level understanding of how ZKP works so if its required to dig deeper please let me know. The circuit is supposed to implement the computation of a merkle root from a set of leaves. I assume that root is a public output and the verifier can check their merkle root against it?
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Hello! I am trying to implement a set membership proof circuit and I am having some trouble. I basically get the following error when generating the proof:
Here's my
code:and some auxiliary items
Can anyone guide me to how to accomplish this? I didn't find any documentation or anything like that just a sha256 example and tried to modify that. I have a very high level understanding of how ZKP works so if its required to dig deeper please let me know. The circuit is supposed to implement the computation of a merkle root from a set of leaves. I assume that root is a public output and the verifier can check their merkle root against it?
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