This project follows semver 2.0.0 and the recommendations of
- Homepage is no longer specified within settings area. Instead set homepage path to
- Removed
config option - this is now controlled through theacts_as_integral
concern - Bump to Ruby 3.0.1
- Bump to Rails 6.1
- Replace Carrierwave with ActiveStorage
- Switch frontend framework from Foundation to Bootstrap
- Remove jQuery
- Remove rails-ujs
- Frontend multiple language support, controlled through the
config option - Add Block Editor (Gutenberg) - replaces Ckeditor
- Switch from Carrierwave to Active Storage for backend file management
- Improved file management - Allow multi file uploads and accept any file types which exist within
config option - Notifications - Add read all notifications button
- Backend List - Add page entry info (includes total amount of records found)
- Backend List - Allow multiple dropdown option selection
- Backend List - Retain previously used filters
- Alternates management - Make it easier to find alternates by grouping alternates by language and providing search functionality
- Page parent selection - Make it easier to find the parent by grouping pages by language and providing search functionality
- Model level validation of email uniqueness
- Page Tags - Useful for organising and finding resources
- Category and pages are now only available through their public route (i.e company/contact), not the Rails route (i.e. /pages/43)
- Bump to Ruby 3.0.1
- Bump to Rails 6.1
- Fix typo in ListRenderer
- Notifications dropdown with read and unread states
- Notification subscribing & unsubscribing to everything, particular classes & individual objects
- Added User statuses - pending, active & blocked
- User managers can now block other users from logging in and accessing any backend functionality
- Devise Emails now use the Integral mailer layout
- Default action bar content for index & show actions
- CharactorCounter can now be added to inputs which do not have a maxlength set
- List Management - Added CharactorCounter to list item fields
- Backend image and list dashboard, activity, & show pages
- Backend helpers
to reduce view duplication - Backend helper extension for
to allow passing ofwrapper
options - Backend post list - Swap out user column for category
- List Rendering - Allow rendering lists without a wrapper element by passing
- Admin bar - Add white background and bring to front
- Backend posts form - Existing tag suggestions were not appearing when typing in input
- Image Selector - Initial uploaded image was not displaying
- Image Selector - When searching for a term the create modal would appear
- Backend grid context menu not appearing for dynamic loaded rows
- Bump Foundation to 6.6.2
- Swap out poltergeist & PhantomJS for Apparition
- Bump Ruby to 2.5.8
- If any Post or Page content contains images with class of 'lazyload' you'll need to use the
method when instaniating Ckeditor otherwise the lazyload images will not appear within the editor - All Posts must be associated to an Integral::Category through the
- Recent activity widget scope - Ignore history with no user associated
- Add user, post and page dashboards
- Add recent activity cards on backend dashboards & object show pages
- Add backend post and page show pages
- Blog - Improved default frontend blog styling
- Blog - Added Post category management & category listing pages - Every post must have one category
- Add webhook management for Post creation, updates, deletion and publication
- Gallery - Handles pausing YouTube videos on close
- Gallery - When only one item is present no longer shows thumbnail gallery and gallery controls
- LazyLoading - Automatically mark Twitter & Instgram oEmbeds as Lazy Loads and handle lazy loading images with the 'lazyload' class
- Updated Suggest Tags input to accept freeInput option (defaults to true) - when set to false only provided typeahead tags are valid
- Set default title and notifications to Integral Backend CRUD endpoints
- Pages - Added 'Archived' status
- Remote Form - Added reset-on-success option to allow preventing the reseting of forms
- Swiper List Page Widget - Add optional 'html_classes' option
- Add
backend helper
- Lists - Unescape URLs within the renderer rather than on the view (handles nil cases)
- Users - Searching by name in backend
- Post cloning - Do not copy over
- Record Selector - Fix image not displaying correctly in details sidebar
- Lists are touched on any list item activity
- Frontend Post Index - Remove N+1 for user & images
- Backend activities - Improved grid search by removing changeset from query
- Rails - Update to 5.2.x
- Removed Pickadate - Use Jquery Datepicker instead
- Post, Page & List cloning
- Add JSON-LD on the blog index and show pages
- Ckeditor - Add link balloon toolbar
- Ckeditor - Use Enhanced Image plugin
- Ckeditor - Use SCAYT (spell checker) by default
- Ckeditor - Add Foundation Callout plugin - Makes callouts widgets which are draggable and removable
- User login - In development default the login form to the first user and do not validate passwords
- Posts - Can now update author of a post
- Grids - When grid filtering fails display error message to user
- RemoteForm now allows overriding of callbacks
- Post searching - Backend search now searches by slug as well as title
- Page searching - Backend search now searches by path as well as title
- Open social links in new tab & add rel noopener to each link
- Backend - Reduce duplication within controllers
- Posts - Fix filtering
- List Management - Unescape special characters when displaying URLs of objects
- Readded instagram URL editing in backend & remove Google+
- Move ApplicatonController's override of render to public
- Ckeditor - Update to 4.11.1
- None
- Can disable input character counter by adding
to inputs - Disabled input character counter for login password field
- Improved onboarding - install script now handles route & seed creation as well as DB setup
- Improved onboarding - added generator for Integral views
rails g integral:views
- Improved onboarding - added generator for Integral assets
rails g integral:assets
- Gallery arrow control and size constraint to viewport size
- Moved list edit form to /edit route & removed show route
- Dashboard displays most recent post & page
- Post data appears in dashboard widgets when blog is enabled
- Recent Posts widget orders collection by most recently published
- Demo images no longer causing 404s
- Canonical URL for homepage
- Bumped Devise to
~> 4.5.0
- Fixessecret_key_base
production issue
- None
- Tooltip to explain media query indicator & helper method to toggle whether it displays
- 'Errno::ENOENT: No such file' issue caused by Ckeditor demo content file not being included
- None
- Frontend - Dynamic pages
- Frontend - Integrated Blog
- Frontend - SEO Ready
- Frontend - Contact form procesing w/ HTML emails & autoreply
- Frontend - Newsletter signup tracking
- Frontend - Remote form helper
- Frontend - Sitemap generation
- Backend - Sleek admin area
- Backend - User authentication & authorisation
- Backend - Activity tracking
- Backend - User management (CRUD)
- Backend - Post management (CRUD)
- Backend - Page management (CRUD)
- Backend - Image management (CRUD)
- Backend - List management (CRUD)
- Backend - Settings management
- None