hmlongco / Factory
A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
See what the GitHub community is most excited about today.
A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
📸 A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
Reactive Programming in Swift
Display and customize Markdown text in SwiftUI
Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
Stripe iOS SDK
💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.
A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
Examples using MLX Swift
DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDevice.
A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
📸 Delightful Swift snapshot testing.
A <Video /> component for react-native
An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
The Swift language implementation of gRPC.