actions / runner-images
GitHub Actions runner images
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GitHub Actions runner images
.NET news, announcements, release notes, and more!
game of active directory
Copy, export, import, delete, document and compare policies and profiles in Intune and Azure with PowerShell script and WPF UI. Import ADMX files and registry settings with ADMX ingestion. View and edit PowerShell script.
Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility - Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes, and Updates
Repository for my flipper zero badUSB payloads. Now almost entirely plug and play.
Documentation for the Microsoft Graph REST API
📦 The default bucket for Scoop.
PowerShell tips delivered straight to your terminal 💻
TVerRecは、TVerの番組をダウンロード保存するためのダウンロード支援ツールです。番組のジャンルや出演タレント、番組名などを指定して一括ダウンロードする支援をします。TVerRec is a software to assist in downloading and saving TVer programs. Supporst bulk downloading by specifying the genre, talent, name, etc.
Contains examples of JSON files that are included in Azure documentation.
The official PowerShell documentation sources
Automation to assess the state of your M365 tenant against CISA's baselines
SharePoint Server, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business documentation
📦 The Extras bucket for Scoop.
PowerUpSQL: A PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking SQL Server
Scripts to build a trimmed-down Windows 11 image.
The plug-and-play DevOps solution for Business Central app development on GitHub
Public Scripts and Apps
📦 A Scoop bucket for alternative versions of apps.