A wrapper around grep to avoid typing common patterns.
I use grep a lot. When auditing code bases, looking at the output of meg, or just generally dealing with large amounts of data. I often end up using fairly complex patterns like this one:
▶ grep -HnrE '(\$_(POST|GET|COOKIE|REQUEST|SERVER|FILES)|php://(input|stdin))' *
It's really easy to mess up when typing all of that, and it can be hard to know if you haven't got any results because there are non to find, or because you screwed up writing the pattern or chose the wrong flags.
I wrote gf
to give names to the pattern and flag combinations I use all the time. So the above command
becomes simply:
▶ gf php-sources
The pattern definitions are stored in ~/.gf
as little JSON files that can be kept under version control:
▶ cat ~/.gf/php-sources.json
"flags": "-HnrE",
"pattern": "(\\$_(POST|GET|COOKIE|REQUEST|SERVER|FILES)|php://(input|stdin))"
To help reduce pattern length and complexity a little, you can specify a list of multiple patterns too:
▶ cat ~/.gf/php-sources-multiple.json
"flags": "-HnrE",
"patterns": [
There are some more example pattern files in the examples
You can use the -save
flag to create pattern files from the command line:
▶ gf -save php-serialized -HnrE '(a:[0-9]+:{|O:[0-9]+:"|s:[0-9]+:")'
There's an auto-complete script included, so you can hit 'tab' to show you what your options are:
▶ gf <tab>
base64 debug-pages fw php-curl php-errors php-sinks php-sources sec takeovers urls
To get auto-complete working you need to source
the gf-completion.bash
file in your .bashrc
or similar:
source ~/path/to/gf-completion.bash
To get auto-complete working you need to enable autocomplete (not needed if you have oh-my-zsh) using autoload -U compaudit && compinit
or by putting it into .zshrc
Then source
the gf-completion.zsh
file in your .zshrc
or similar:
source ~/path/to/gf-completion.zsh
Note: if you're using oh-my-zsh or similar you may find that gf
is an alias for git fetch
. You can either
alias the gf binary to something else, or unalias gf
to remove the git fetch
There are some amazing code searching engines out there that can be a better replacement for grep.
A good example is the silver searcher.
It's faster (like way faster) and presents the results in a more visually digestible manner.
In order to utilize a different engine, add engine: <other tool>
to the relevant pattern file:
# Using the silver searcher instead of grep for the aws-keys pattern:
# 1. Adding "ag" engine
# 2. Removing the E flag which is irrelevant for ag
"engine": "ag",
"flags": "-Hanr",
"pattern": "([^A-Z0-9]|^)(AKIA|A3T|AGPA|AIDA|AROA|AIPA|ANPA|ANVA|ASIA)[A-Z0-9]{12,}"
- Note: Different engines use different flags, so in the example above, the flag
has to be removed from theaws-keys.json
file in order for ag to successfully run.
If you've got Go installed and configured you can install gf
▶ go get -u github.com/tomnomnom/gf
If you've installed using go get
, you can enable auto-completion to your .bashrc
like this:
▶ echo 'source $GOPATH/src/github.com/tomnomnom/gf/gf-completion.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
Note that you'll have to restart your terminal, or run source ~/.bashrc
for the changes to
take effect.
To get started quickly, you can copy the example pattern files to ~/.gf
like this:
▶ cp -r $GOPATH/src/github.com/tomnomnom/gf/examples ~/.gf
My personal patterns that I've included as examples might not be very useful to you, but hopefully they're still a reasonable point of reference.
I'd actually be most interested in new pattern files! If you've got something you regularly grep for then feel free to issue a PR to add new pattern files to the examples directory.
Bug fixes are also welcome as always :)