An RTL generator for a last-level shared inclusive TileLink cache controller
An Agile RISC-V SoC Design Framework with in-order cores, out-of-order cores, accelerators, and more
Common RTL blocks used in SiFive's projects
Wrapper shells enabling designs generated by rocket-chip to map onto certain FPGA boards
AgonLight OSHW Retro Z80 computer - updated version with few updates
Custom 16-bit homebrew CPU, emulator, renderer, circuit, and language
Lab exercises for Chisel in the digital electronics 2 course at DTU
A stand-alone, BASIC-programmable microcontroller and microcomputer in one! The fastest, cheapest, most hackable 8-bit computer ever.
Library to compile Chisel circuits using LLVM/MLIR (CIRCT)
Based on Chisel3, Rift2Core is a 9-stage, out-of-order, 64-bits RISC-V Core, which supports RV64GC.
A RISC-V assembler library for Scala/Chisel HDL projects
A Chisel RTL generator for network-on-chip interconnects
Flexible Intermediate Representation for RTL
FPGA-Accelerated Simulation Framework Automatically Transforming Arbitrary RTL
Provides various testers for chisel users
A template project for beginning new Chisel work