Interactive Graphviz Dot Preview for Visual Studio Code
Customizable inline Bookmarks for Visual Studio Code
Chrome extension to allow adding multiple search engines in the right click menu.
⚡ Open GitHub repositories in online web IDE
Browser-independent core of Tabli tab manager
A Window and Tab Manager for Google Chrome
A browser extension for custom keyboard shortcuts
Download images from the web more easily. A browser extension for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Brave.
🔰 Example projects that demonstrate how to use the Plasmo Framework and integrate with popular tools
Bing chat sidebar ported from Microsoft Edge to Chrome
谷歌浏览器插件: 将掘金、知乎、思否、简书、博客园、微信公众号、开源中国、CSDN的文章转为markdown文档并下载
The Codetime extension for Visual Studio Code.
Custom your personal browser start page from some configurable components.
猫抓 浏览器资源嗅探扩展 / cat-catch Browser Resource Sniffing Extension
【重构中】Snavigation 一个简约的起始页 | 支持自定义搜索引擎,自定义快捷方式,自定义壁纸以及数据备份
⚡ High-performance Vue language tooling based-on Volar.js
Obsidian plugin to fetch articles and highlights from Omnivore
Data Preview 🈸 extension for importing 📤 viewing 🔎 slicing 🔪 dicing 🎲 charting 📊 & exporting 📥 large JSON array/config, YAML, Apache Arrow, Avro, Parquet & Excel data files
VS Code extension: counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
A Visual Studio Code Extension to generate a text with a file / directory (multiple output formats)
Create a code review with all your comments in one file
Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension