Framework development for versions 3.0 and further moved to Yii Framework Core repository.
Please see ROADMAP there:
There are no planned changes for Yii 2.0 cause while it is supported it is not developed anymore. Bug and security fixes are expected. New features and enhancements are not accepted. Pull requests and maintainers are very welcome.
We can tag additional releases in case someone will take the role of release manager. Otherwise we'll focus on 3.0.
- Bugfixes.
- Announce bugfixes EOL (a year more?).
- Security fixes only.
- Bugfixes.
- Since this release main focus is bug fixing.
- No full-branch merges into 3.0.
- No enhancements are accepted.
Will be last release with features and enhancements the last one that will be merged into 3.0 directly.