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Francisco Oliveto franoliveto
computer programmer

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hector Ventura hectorvent
Software & VoIP Engineer


Rafał Pocztarski rsp
Platform Team, Staff Backend Engineer at @RampNetwork, Very Senior TypeScript Node.js Developer, obsessed with programming since the early childhood.

@RampNetwork Warsaw, Poland

虫子樱桃 czyt

@x-gopher /dev/ttycode

Leonard Aukea LeonardAukea
Founder @ Skygrid Engineering


Severe code and severe thoughts - all heavy deployments

Hamburg, Germany

iPush iPush
叶公好龙 杞人忧天

ByteDance Beijing

Linus Bartsch LiBa001
computer science student and hobby programmer.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe, Germany