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Martin Hassman met
Founder of and, work at

OICT Prague, Czech Republic

JoΓ£o Pedro Bazzo Vieira Joaobazzo
University of Toronto. Interested in Urban Mobility, Vehicle emissions, Modelling, Bicycles, DataViz and R.



IDIS Santiago de Compostela

edaimon edaimon
Transport & Urban Planner | Data Science | Smart Cities
Liam Leveto lleveto

Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Cleveland, OH

Alexandre Demers Oxalin

Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

Will Fedder fedderw
Will Fedder is a data analyst and policy researcher whose interests lie in transportation, healthcare, and the social safety net.

Baltimore, MD

Manuel AlcalΓ‘ Kovalski malcalakovalski
Data Scientist at the Urban Institute

The Urban Institute Washington D.C.

Max Buchholz 1Maxnet1

datagon GmbH Germany

machiko machikoyasuda
πŸšπŸ““πŸˆπŸŒ± learning, writing + coding for the public

@compilerla Los Angeles, Calif.

Nathan Sarrazin nsarrazin
HuggingChat & chat-ui @huggingfaceπŸ€— Maintainer @serge-chat πŸ¦™

@huggingface Karlsruhe, DE

Gabriel Vaz de Melo gabrielvazdemelo
Data Analyst | Msc. Economics




Raphael Paul Laude raphaellaude
Urban planner turned spatial data engineer, analyst, web dev

@calthorpeanalytics New York City

Gentil Pinto gentildpinto
Forever a software engineer under construction, enthusiast of open-source and Android development.

Luanda, Angola

David Marcus davidmarcus
Working on new ideas. Previously Chief Data Scientist @ Granicus, before that co-founder and CTO @ Host Compliance. A little obsessive about geospatial data.

Berlin, Germany

Francis Peixoto francispeixoto
Director of software development at Montreal, QC, Canada

Simon Belluzzo sbelluzzo
Computing, STEM, Maths and Science Teacher πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«

Department of Education Victoria Melbourne, Australia

Francesco Emanuele D'Agostino fe-dagostino
Technology enthusiast with an ingrained and genuine passion for all sciences.
