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Sam T. samtaggart
Nomadic heart. Recovering Thinker.
Alien Alien901
Foodie, i like foods, let's eat people and stay healthy 🌭🍌🍟🍞🥧🌮🍖🍠🍔🍗🥩🐏🐟


Atef Nazmy atefnazmy

Codescalers Egypt Hurghada, Egypt

Alex Kubica 🇮🇱 alexkubica
Full stack dev.

@merklebase Israel

Elvis Nuno enuno
Digital Nomad & Blockchain Evangel. Technology solutions architect specializing in telecom infrastructure, DevOps, automation, and distributed systems.

United States

Klaus Ferreira KlausEverWalkingDev
Software Developer | Angular | TypeScript | Git | Linux | Java | SQL | Creator and Community Manager at @DevCaminhante

@DevCaminhante Blumenau, SC, Brazil

Calcody-Lee Mcneill PinkDiamond1

Polybest Holding B.V. helm repo add twingate

Sev sevsev9
IT Infrastructure - Full Stack Developer


Andrea Bozzelli bozzelliandrea
Senior Software Engineer @nearform

@nearform Italy

Dmitry ruxavik
MS in cryptography, ex video gaming, blockchainer

arkvar USA


Dragon Edge Cloud Hong Kong

Мистер Макс mapjx
Learning a bit of everything.

Programming free code

Khaled Youssef khaledyoussef24
I have no special talents.I am only passionately curious.
Omar Kassem 0oM4R

@codescalers @threefoldtech Cairo , Egypt

Alaa228 AlaaElattar

Codescalers Egypt Egypt

Barto unameit10000000
Indie dev, into automations, games and AI. Building in public.


Ahmed Salah ahmeducf
Jack of all trades, master of one.

@cyberdefenders Egypt

I wanna fork you so bad.
Israa israa270
Go, Rust,Ts,Js

MySelf Egypt

psychon07 psychon7
Backed by Antler (SG16)

Ghostdrive Ghost-Drive
Solutions for data storage, sharing, and exchange on the Filecoin network. Our commitment to open-source principles ensures transparency and reliability

Neyra Labs Singapore

🌥️ Cloud Architect / Automation 🌩️ 🏡 Smart Home Enthusiast ✨
Mahmoud Ayoub dmahmouali
Software Engineer
