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Sílvio Meireles mastersilvio
CTO - Easy Pallet

Easy Pallet Brasil

ciscoLegrand ciscoLegrand

@CheckealosUX Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

Aaron (Aron) Roh roharon
Server Software Engineer on @dramancompany's Engineering team.

@dramancompany - as @aaronroh-remember Seoul, Korea

Julien jcamblan
mostly ruby programmer

Kactus Brest, France

Mani maniroudsari
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Diego Enjamio denjamio

@guudjobapp Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, España

Sonam Tashi sonamtaa
Backend Engineer | Ruby on Rails | PostgreSQL | JavaScript

SELISE Bhutan Babesa, Thimphu

Drew Bragg DRBragg
Senior Developer @ Podia, Podcast Host @

@podia Warrington, PA

Matthew Zagaja mzagaja
Lawyer and software developer. Leadership Team at @codeforboston

@tedconf Boston, MA

Gary Tou garyhtou
Engineering Manager, @hackclub

@hackclub Engineering Seattle

Mary Kniffin GalacticPlastic

@ValleyForgeFabrics Fort Lauderdale, FL