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Junin Studio juninstudio
art & architectural historian
Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Giovanni Degani giovannidegani
Principal Engineer at the LEGO Group

LEGO Group Denmark

Ben ahmedbenaw
Chief Innovation Wizard
Joel Handwell joelhandwell
A DevOps writing Chef cookbooks of @haapp

New York

Wonhong Jang jangwonhong
Data Intelligence Team Leader

KYOBO BOOK Centre Co.,Ltd. Seoul

Mihai Dita mdita
tech enthusiast

Bucharest, Romania

Andrew NS Yeow ansyeow

PJ, Selangor, Malaysia

Jason Becerra jasonfabian8
C# Developer | Azure DevOps


Alexandre Nicastro AlexxNica
Platforms • Ecosystems • Communities


Asna AsnaFarah
Software Developer in Field of AI and ML | Junior Data Scientist I Data Science Associate I Artificial Intelligence Intern

DifiNative Technologies

Sönke Goldbeck astro2209

1910 - Museum für den FC St. Pauli e.V.

Mitesh Dandade Mitesh411
Sr Automation Engineer

Classified Location

Code Revisited qdriven


Axel Morgner amorgner

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

yuanhong naonaoyh Guangzhou, China

Oleg Korzhanov korzhanov
Auror, political scientist, electrohooligan, scrollopithecus, comic sans #producer #composer #designer #js #svelte #sveltekit #nodejs

hrh Berlin, Germany

Eve Freeman freeeve
Glowers at you dubiously. Tip jar:

Linden, VA

Roger M rogersmarin

Melbourne, Australia

Michael Prieß MPriess
Java User Group Karlsruhe Organisator / Software Developer @ diva-e

@diva-e Karlsruhe / Germany

tom zhou sequoiar
Meet AI & Robot Technology

@InstantWebP2P @AIWorkspace @Co-Simulation @5GApp SHANGHAI, CHINA