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Matthew DeMichele mdemichele
Software Engineer from Maui, HI. Currently living in Phoenix.

Phoenix, AZ

Risyandi Risyandi
a minimalist, tech enthusiast, the happy cyclist, and digital nomad. 🌴💻 🚴

@ngarsa-digital Jatinangor, Indonesia

The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
Erkan fffset


Danilo Martins DanSmaR
Full-Stack Web Developer

Intern at @newgotecnologia and student at Fatec Mogi das Cruzes Brazil

Natã Martins natamartinscodedev
There is no easy way, just only hard work So don't think, just do it!

... moon...🚀

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Antonio Raimundo antoniorrm
Software Engineer @questrade. 💻 🎧 ⚫️

@questrade Canindé - CE

Berkin Gürcan berkingurcan
I am a philosophy graduate. Blockchain Developer & Cypherpunk Candidate. Passion for zk, SSI and AI. Also musician, recording engineer and 1 Dan Go player

Boğaziçi University Denizli, Turkiye

Trizia ziaroque
Hi 👋🏻👩🏻‍💻🐶☕️🇨🇦

Toronto, ON, Canada

Celso Dias celsodias12
Full Stack Developer TypeScript | NodeJs | ReactJs | React Native

@Luizalabs Brazil

M Mack HTMLMonger

Edinburgh, Scotland

Alan Daniel Alvarez Castro AlanAlvarez21

Ceti Colomos || Ingeniero Mecatrónico Guadalajara, México.


Nexle HCM city

Stephen Odogwu Stevepurpose
Fullstack developer.


John lone jetjo
Code or Go-to-hell!!!

Haidian District, Beijing, China

Ubeydullah Keleş Ubeydu
Web developer living in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Technologies I've worked with; - Nuxt, - Vue, - PostgreSQL, - Laravel, - MySQL

Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Marlon Couto macodesh
Code Samurai.


Davíd Roggér davidrogger

Magalu Cloud - Squad DBaaS Boituva - SP

Muhammad Aaqil aaqilniz
NodeJS Developer

Hyderabad, Pakistan

Leyrson kroska

Curitiba, Brazil

flumpus flumpus-dev
flumpin around town

somewhere out there

Cristiano Gonçalves crisgon
Desenvolvedor Front End.

Alagoinhas, Bahia

Jonas jonasermert

Germany, Thüringen, Erfurt

Natã Martins natamartins
FrontEnd Developer - HTML5 - CSS3 - React.Js - Next.Js - Typescript & JS © O Menino do HTML

.... Brasil

Rebhe Ibrahim rebhi-2002
👨‍💻 Front-End Developer | ⚛️ ReactJs | ⚙️ JavaScript Developer 🚀

./void/unemployed Palestine - Gaza

DP Tech Info dptechinfo
I'm passionate about IT (programming languages, databases, web frameworks, etc) and I write stories of various technologies I find interesting and worth sharing


Vladimir Borovikov iamvldmrbrvkv

St. Petersburg, Russia

Marton Tasnadi kistasi
‘98 | drama aspirant | software developer | waldorf | freeszfe | budapest | he/him

Software Developer Budapest, Hungary

Tao Liu taostrive

Adjust GmbH Germany

Ravindra Vairagi vaishnavravi33
FullStack Developer. Expert in JQuery, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Angular, ASP.NET, CSharp and SQL. Intermediate in Cross Plateform Application Development.


Marcus Vinicius marcusviniciusfa
Software Engineer II na @dock-tech | Node.js | TypeScript | Express.js | API REST | Jest.js | AWS | MongoDB

@dock-tech João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil

abdelhedi hlel abdelhedydev
FullStack Javascript Engineer
