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Jelal Sultanov jenapss
Machine Learning DevOps Engineer Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning MSc AI Engineering

University of Passau Germany, Passau

Suraj Yadav 0xk4n3ki
Malware Analyst


Ahmed Abdelrazek ahmedkamal77
Master's student at Passau University.
Parid V ParidV

Cape Town, South Africa

Bernhard Stahl stahlb

University of Passau Passau, Bavaria, Germany

Yasser Otiefy yasserotiefy
Senior ML Engineer| ML, NLP, Data Engineering | MSc AI Engineering

Lionpoint Group UK

Amir Almaamari AmeerAlmaamari
AI & Software Engineer | Big Data Enthusiast | Business Analyst | IT Project & Product Management | 1st Year Master's Student in AI Engineering ✨
Alessio Gambi alessiogambi

Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) Austria

Hachem Sfar hachemsfar

Passau, Bavaria, Germany

Mahesh Budavarapu budavarapu
Engineer working on LTE/5G/AI Passionate on applying signal processing techniques to solve real world problems

Radisys India Private Limited India, Bangalore

Waleed AbuNafiseh WaleedAbu-Nafiseh
DevOps Engineer @ CEPRES


Lucas Zischka lucaszischka
I'm a student who is programming in his free time. I work with Swift and SwiftUI, JS, Java, C++ and Web.

Universität Passau Munich, Germany

Mahi Begoug MahiBegoug

moon - stillab mars

Mohamed BELABED DZimo

Robotop Games Germany

Stephan Lukasczyk stephanlukasczyk
Informatikkaufmann (IHK); M.Sc. Comp Sci; Software Testing Researcher @ JetBrains Research

@JetBrains-Research Passau, Germany

Vincenzo Riccio p1ndsvin

@testingautomated-usi Udine

Flo Wooza
Software Engineer; Mostly Java and Python
