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Gabriel Rodríguez gabrielrf96
Software developer. Amateur 3D artist. Gamer and technology enthusiast.

Printful Inc. / Printify Inc. Barcelona

Agustin aguspacheco


Mauro San Pedro mero02
Repositorio creado para centralizar proyectos académicos y personales, aplicando tecnologías modernas y buenas prácticas en desarrollo de software.

Gaiman, Chubut Argentina

Pablo Sánchez PabloSanchez87
Software developer

Santiago de Compostela

Jay-Ar Abihay Tecson cloudycane
Desarrollador de software especializado en desarrollo de SaaS (Software as a Service) utilizando tecnologías web, .NET, Python, y Java.
Jonas Beer jb-cc
Student at UAS St. Pölten


SCRUM Master, PMO.


Nekane NekaFTW
아자! 아자! 화이팅! ♡

Basetis Barcelona

Alejandro Gálvez García alexgg9
Full-Stack Developer | Angular | Java | Spring Boot | Ionic


Ghislaine Latorraca (Lena) Lenakirara
Desenvolvedora RPA | Python | JavaScript | ABAP | Estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas.

Curitiba - PR

Juan Manuel Pizzio MrPantufla
Fullstack Developer / React-Spring Boot

Entre Ríos-Argentina


Córdoba , Spain

Matias Vázquez mativazq
Frontend Developer HTML || CSS || JS || React.JS. Proximamente Python.
Cristian_Recabarren bit-rec98
Hello there! My name is Cristian and currently I'm specializing on FullStack Web Development, here you will see some of my projects deployed. Thanks for coming!

Córdoba, Argentina

Rubén Alonso rubenalon1973
 iOS Swift Developer


Claudia Christensen Claudia1010
GeeksHubs Academy bootcamp student in progress
Yun Ji actuallyyun
Software Developer


Natalia NataliaBlanco
Hi Folks! I´m Nat, a junior developer converted from the Fashion sector that is looking to dive in the tech world and is looking for her first role 👩🏻‍💻


Pablo Martín Escudero escu-git
Developer at Shifta 👩🏻‍💻

Shifta Buenos Aires, Argentina

Yunior Puentes pyunior
Python Developer


SFC Sheifc
Passionate Clinical Scientist - Embryologist who has created life in the lab for years has turned her attention to AI and impressed with it. Always learning
Fabrizio Stropparo EstroFS
IT Sys Admin

Barcelona, Spain

Rodrigo Benavente A. rodrigo-benavente-ti
Joaquin Mancini joaquinmancini

Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Paula Alonso Ishihara midorichan
UX Designer. Shameless Literary Polygamist. Geek.

Mar del Plata, Argentina