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Matthias Zepper MatthiasZepper
Computational biologist experienced in analyzing massive parallel sequencing data. Leveraging software for life science @NationalGenomicsInfrastructure

@SciLifeLab Stockholm

Pushpahas Janardhan p000

@initial-commit-hq Toronto

IBCHGenomic IBCHgenomic
Bioinformatics, Genome Analysis, Pangenome, Metagenomics, Transcriptomics, Deep Learning Poland

houseme houseme
open source houseme Contact mail


God of meme stocks manhhungdt06
Financial Data Analyst

Financial Data Analyst Hanoi

holmofy holmofy
Learning rust...


phial3 phial3
Software engineer, coding in C & Rust, Java. Expertise: Architecture design, Concurrent programming, Performance optimization and Cryptography

Princeton University Beijing · China

Laco Skokan skoky
An open-source enthusiast during the night

Prague, Czech Republic

Alexey Elizarov beautyfree
Fullstack developer



Beijing, China


Hong Kong

Starpredetor Starpredetor
I am a student doing Computer engineering


Zhihao ZhihaoAIRobotic
Embodied AI | Robot Learning | Multimodal Pre-trained Model | Reinforcement Learning

Chinese University of Hong Kong HongKong

S€th wont-stream
Developing for both the frontends and backends of software.

@MENTALLY-GERM4N M€nt4lly 1n G€rm4ny

Felipe S. S. Schneider schneiderfelipe
A PhD chemist (computational chemistry) and (scientific) software engineer.

Cellertz Bio 27°35'20.2"S 48°31'12.5"W

felix-wang numb3r3
@jina-ai working on Embedding, Ranking and Small Language Models. Past @HUYA-AI, @ Tencent-AI

@jina-ai Shenzhen, China

itxve itxve


HAMASHITA m-hamashita
ML Engineer, Vim, Shell, Rust, Python, Go

LegalOn Technologies, Inc.

Wondong Shin wdshin
co-founder at What If Studio. Development on games and interesting contents. Learning Generative AI and Python. I like rust,erlang,c# and golang.

What If Studio / CEO Seoul/Korea

Yam(长琴) hscspring
Feeling, Coding, Thinking
Alex Li aleSheng
just do IT


Eric Field superowner
Imouto Con Save The World!

@pykeio Rockford, IL