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glyn nelson glynnelson

Newcastle University UK

Feast feast107
a Void

Antelcat Shanghai

Abbos To'lqinov abbos1711
devops engineer

Astrolab Tashkent , Parkent

Rami S. Jaber RamiSJ12
Chief Software Engineer at Data Pirates Agency🔹Open for Remote Jobs and Freelancing.

Data Pirates Agency

Rafael Andrade rafaelafpro
Fullstack Web Developer

Ubá, Minas Gerais

Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

Erin Weisbart ErinWeisbart
Computational Biologist who really loves documentation. Staff scientist in the @ciminilab at @broadinstitute.


Sebastian Rhode sebi06
I am skier, chemist, biophysicist, microscopist, pythonist, AI & machine learning and image analysis enthusiast.

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH Munich

Sricharan Reddy Varra srivarra
Research Software Engineer developing multiplexed single cell analysis frameworks. Dabbling in Houdini FX in my free time.

@karadavis-lab @angelolab San Francisco, CA

Mohamed Moustafa Mohamed-Moustafa-tech
Bioinformatics PhD Student at Universitätsklinikum Erlangen

Biomathematics, Systems Biology, Bioinformatics Germany

A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!


Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Jay Hineman jhineman
Mathematics Ph.D. in Nonlinear PDE working on applied mathematics.

Durham, NC

T. Haraszti tomio13
Physicist doing research on soft matter (supramolecular structures). Long term user of C, python, R, linux Not so long term for PHP


无方Yiphix Yiphix
哲思学徒 量子诗人

StarDream Chengdu

Riccardo Massei rmassei

UFZ Leipzig, Germany

Sebastian Ahn ahnsws
I like cells 🦠

Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston

Ali Moeeny alimoeeny
CEO Magi, x CEO Suprafrontal, x Eng at Interologic, x CTO @floreoVR , x NIH fellow, x CTO at CrowdStitch, x CTO Rasanic


Moshe Jonathan Gordon Radian VehpuS
🏳️‍🌈 FullStack @Nucleai-ai, formerly: @albo-climate Autodidact. Polyglot programmer. Interests: human computation, crowdsourcing, ML, programming languages

@Nucleai-ai Israel

Pranathi Vemuri pranathivemuri
research in computational biology
Paul nestorlls
Full Stack Web Developer Node.js | Express.js | RoR | Javascript | React | Next.js

Lima, Perú

Jian Wei Tay jwtay1
Biological Image Analysis Group Leader at the BioFrontiers Institute, University of Colorado Boulder. See also my work @Biofrontiers-ALMC.

BioFrontiers Institute, University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO

Ahsan Khan ahsan-khan1999
A passionate software engineer, having 4years of professional experience in Software developement. My expertise are in JS, NodeJS, ReactJS, NextJS & Typescript

@Cloudmeshsolutions Bahria Town

Wisam Reid wisamreid
(1) PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School (2023), SHBT (2) MA, Stanford University (2017), Music, Science, & Technology (3) BS, UC Berkeley (2014), EECS


ANJIREDDY -Architect - AI-ML [ BNYMELLON.COM -PUNE] anjilinux
MSc embedded systems design , whatsapp === +91 9505782251


Evgeniy Letenkov eletenkov
DevOps Engineer

@eletenkov Russian

Erik Nordgren chucknordy
Bioinformatics Data Administrator

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia

Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Noli Alonso NoliAlonso
Pathologist, app builder, and AI enthusiast


Eugene Letenkov letenkov
Software Engineer Expert (DevOps)

@letenkov Moscow

Ka Long jackyko1991
Bioimage Analyst at the Oxford-Zeiss Centre of Excellence, University of Oxford Interested in biomedical image processing with machine learning-based technique

University of Oxford Unnited Kingdom

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Hector D Orozco Perez neurohazardous
Machine Learning Developer at Clemex Technologies Inc. I develop computer vision products based on artificial intelligence

Clemex Technologies Inc. Montreal, QC