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Caio Cruz devcaiocruz
Olá! Sou Caio Cruz, um entusiasta da tecnologia e estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas pela FATEC-SP.
Preston Jones pdj555

University of Oklahoma Norman, OK

Sandro Tanner sandrotanner
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
Lado Oniani ladooniani
Engineering / Design

Engineering Research

Santhosh Parimi sp1986
AI Architect

Dell Technologies Austin, Texas

Raonak Al Sadi raonakalsadi

Naogaon, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

SaihGonzalez SaihGonzalez
Class of 2028 @mit. Potentially seeking a degree in Mathematics with Computer Science. Chess player and Tennis Coach.

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Eliott NeyZzO
I'm a french student developper, currently studying Computer Science at Orsay's Institute of Technology. Planning to get a Ph.D. in computer science.


Sai Ruthvik hawkh
ML Engineer @Livestockify

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Hyderabad

Luís Eduardo luiseduaardo
Computer Science @ CIn - UFPE | Current Python learner

Recife, PE

Tolga Cangöz tolgacangoz boldly go where no one has gone before...
Yousof yousofab

Fardiat Tehran, Iran

Taylor Christian Newsome SleepTheGod
I am not on twitter add my linkedin$ClumsyLulz

GitBrew Georgia

Ekrem Turan Fırat ekremturanfirat
Power Electronic Design Engineer Candidate

@odtu Power Lab | @mergenelk Ankara, Türkiye

Coding joypreetsinghbhullar
hi i'm coding, a self-taught developer. |

right here

Geographic Information System Analyst @HOLOS-IE

University of the Punjab Islamabad

Dar Rehan Rasool Darrehan
I'm a Full Stack Web Developer with a knack for weaving digital magic using the dynamic trio of React, Node.js, and Express. Crafting Full Stack Webapps.

@novocabs Srinager, Jammu and Kashmir india.

Immanuel Mboowa imboowa
I am learning Python, C, Assembly, C++, JavaScript, Web Development, Blender, AI, bioinformatics.A beginner in programming and animation


Computer science within aerospace & aircrafts
Aadi adamyapathak
Programming Team Captain FRC Team - 3490 Viper Drive

3490 Viper Drive 1624 State Rd, Summerville, SC 29486