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bing mhubing
just a bio, github said I have to add a bio

USTC, AnHui, China

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


xmchx XmchxUp
a lifelong learner

Mom's basement

StepBroBD stepbrobd
λƒ.(λ𝑥.ƒ(𝑥 𝑥))(λ𝑥.ƒ(𝑥 𝑥))

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Naama junaama
software engineer
FizzyElt FizzyElt
If you can master the core concept, you can use it flexibly anywhere.


shady idshdx
Interested in too many things


Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

practicat practicatto
tim burtons character pretending to be a programmer but actually an evil cat


Ethan epmorgan
Based in South Wales, UK
Amphibious Man AmphibiousMan
When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who’s running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind…

The Swamp Netherlands


Life Somewhere over the rainbow...

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

meehow meehow

@808bits Crypto Valley

Leo Flores leoflowers
make every commit count

Brooklyn, NY

Thanh T. Tran tthanh

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

zoey zoedsoupe
Software bricklayer and Computer Science student and of course, a great cook

@cloudwalk Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil

Gustavo Medeiros gustavomedeiross

Bluecode Florianópolis, Brazil

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
Yasir Hussain yasir-hussain2k
Motivated Full Stack Developer with a focus on building scalable solutions for real-world problems. Seeking to apply my skills in development, problem-solving.
8uff3r 8uff3r
A buffer waiting to be closed.
Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

emtee40 emtee40
Collecting the work of others to share with others. Everything from songs about Snowden to open-source judicial communication framework.


Seehane seehane
Where Data Meets Destiny
Youenn "SkytAsul" Le Jeune SkytAsul
Multilingual developer. Computer engineering student at INSA.

Bretagne, France
