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zaydm Zaydiscool777
Can I please join a project

14-year-old sweatshop dungeon of الف با alpharetta

이강현 hhhello0507

Daegu, South Korea

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Yushuo Xiao Dev-XYS
Master's student at ETH Zürich

ETH Zürich Zürich, Switzerland

Aleksey Veresov aversey

@logicalclocks Stockholm, Sweden

Yassine Amraoui wwwportal

Algonquin College Student Ottawa, Ontario

SeungMin Park berryp23
Frontend developer working for toss


Palalansoukî iehality
ニョカマー パラランスキー 解かれた花束が光を放つ

Tohoku University

Super super622
I am Software Developer. Cautious Attitude + Perfect Understanding + Quality Work + Fast Speed = Excellent Result + Business Success, this is my working style
Tci Gravifer Fang Gravifer
Zu nihilum gehöre; Den iukoto echo tipote. Festina! Delai cto chocesh quand tu le pouvez encore!

Tsinghua University Beijing

Xiyu Zhai xiyuzhai
A visored working on an ancient programming language called Husky. It's going to fundamentally change how we see huskies.

UW Seattle, WA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Jimmy Situ jimmysitu
CPU Micro Architect


Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Philip Zucker philzook58
A pretty cool dude who does things.

Draper Boston

Bisma Joyosumarto BismaBRJ
A regular student who occasionally goes on GitHub to publish his code for everyone else to see.

South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bulhwi Cha chabulhwi
I aim to create video games and other media for learning STEM disciplines.

Semmalgil Seoul, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Jeroen van Rensen jeroenvanrensen
Hi, I'm Jeroen van Rensen and I'm from the Netherlands. I enjoy making websites using the TALL stack (@tailwindlabs, @alpinejs, @laravel and @livewire)

The Netherlands

Fadi Shawki FadiShawki
The Universalis' afoot @orbitmines

@orbitmines The Netherlands

Scott Fenton sctfn

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory Laurel, MD

Bentley Hensel TheBoatyMcBoatFace
Sr. Data & DevOps Engineer 🚂 💨at @CivicActions who is also running for Congress @HenselForCongress 🗳️

@CivicActions Arlington, VA

xh Rinoahu
Staff at Iowa State University

ISU Ames, IA