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rub3n aiuoe
unstoppable today

@Datapicker Venezuela

Smarthug smarthug
Devrel @ Openfort

Openfort S.Korea

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Santhosh Kumar Thangavel tsk811
AWS and DevOps Consultant
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Michael Kutý michaelkuty
Software Development Engineer at @Workday.

Workday Česká republika

Joan JoanEsMarti
Administrador de Sistemas

Benjamin benjaminpmd
Interested in aviation, space and computer science.

somewhere between ground and FL130

Andrea Medda Campus andream16
Founding Engineer at Smithy

smithy-security London

Ilyas LEFEBVRE LefebvreIlyas
DDD && Clean Architecture && Flutter && ASP .NET


Functional Programming & AI/ML enthusiast 🤓🇨🇮
Karl Hans Laurits rejoice4156
Currently studying systems administration at TalTech University and working part time as a systems administrator and it admin at Vanalinna Hariduskolleegium.


Dominik Böckle dboeckle

IMA Schelling Austria GMBH Austria

Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

jose 0joseDark
lover of science, biology and robotics, and programming is fun

Barreiro, Portugal

Ivan Deylid Sid1057
I like to train Deep Neural Nets on small datasets.

@open-adas / @JSC-NIIAS Russia. Saint-Petersburg.

Alex Garcia hiimalexjgarcia
Hi, I'm Alex Garcia. I'm a sysadmin and developer from Tucson, AZ. On my spare time, you'll find me studying film, music, and computer science.

Tucson, AZ

Ethan Facca untypequicode
Je suis étudiant à l’université de Bordeaux. J’utilise principalement Python, C++, HTML et CSS.

Université de Bordeaux France

Sébastien Mestrallet sebmestrallet
Making digital technologies more understandable

Self-employed Palaiseau, France

Florent Heyraud florenthey
Full stack TypeScript developer

Somewhere in the suburb of Paris

Rois Khoiron roiskhoiron
Hi 👋, I am Apps Developer Interested in current technology on Mobile Development and UI/UX. Experienced Tools using Figma, IntelliJ IDE and Rive Studio

Digital Sekuriti Indonesia Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia

Abderrahim Guerfi RahimGuerfi
Polyvalent Full-Stack Developer | React, Node.js, TypeScript, Next.js, Prisma, API Integration & More | Passionate About Building Scalable Solutions 🏠

Alexandre Lagane alagane
I am a biological machine, engaging in activities that stimulate my senses with the intention of experiencing pleasure and cultivating happiness.

@LINAGORA Toulouse, France

Just a lurker
春風 rcl1
most sane Medival II: Total War player

Proficient in Yapanese Hanoi, Vietnam

Elsa Cesari ElsaCesari
Student @ 42

Paris, France

Quang-Vinh Khuat vnpower
It's never too late to do the meaningful things!

BK Automation & Software Hanoi, Vietnam

Jonathan Piron jnp3

@yelostudio Liège, Belgium

Alan Jaouen alanjaouen
Compiler c'est douter.

@MeilleursAgents @groupe-seloger @axel-springer-kugawana Paris