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Massimo De Marchi dhmacs
I am a Software Engineer and one of the founders of @inkOfPixel. I enjoy working on productivity tools and e-commerce.

@inkOfPixel Italy

CS Student
Moosems Moosems
"Funny guy, great personality, amazing dev" - what I wish others would say about me. Best friends with @Akuli and @rdbende

United States

pseddon.xvi pseddonxvi
"When life gives you lemons, make orange juice, and let the world wonder how you did it"

me, myself, and i the moon

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ricardo de Azambuja ricardodeazambuja
I'm an Electrical Engineer trying to make the world a better place with the help of electronics, robotics and machine learning
Ale Li Noce Aleksej9521
Research Fellow, PhD, University of Catania

University of Catania Catania

Nova Walseth Awkewainze
Usually just making small tools or fun personal projects

San Francisco

Moutaz Moutazbaaj

Syntax Institute Berlin - Germany

Amy ASentientBot
skipping down 32768th avenue

@moraea Ottawa

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Jason Ross JMR-dev
Solutions Oriented Developer | Former Software Engineer 1 at Asurion | Nashville Software School alumnus, @nss-day-cohort-52 | Python Web Dev

United States

Ceadd ceadd
mad scientist
Aiden SomeAspy
Self-taught full-stack developer - I like to move fast and break things

College Student, Working in public services Massachusetts

Ish Ot Jr. ishotjr

@pebble-dev MEXICO?

Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai

Sayed Ahmed Husain sahmedhusain
Keep it simple !

@01-edu Bahrain

hakan uyar HakanUYAR34

Panel Market Türkiye / İstanbul

Drew Martin sindependent

Saint Paul, Minnesota

Jorge Mitri mitri-dvp
Full-Stack Developer

Me Worldwide

يوسف ms-9t

@ms-9t السعودية