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Claire Yang claireyyang
CS PhD Student at UW Allen School
Souhaib Louda souhaiblou
PhD Student (Mobile Robot Navigation, Computer Vision, and Artificial Intelligence)

Ferhat Abbas University of Setif 1 Setif, Algeria

Varad Dhat Varad2607
Research Assistant @hcrlab

University of Washington Seattle

Matthew Shields MShields1986
MEng Motorsport Engineering | Whitworth Scholar | ex-CTO at Kingdom Technologies | Researcher at Strathclyde University

University of Strathclyde Glasgow

Entong Su Entongsu

University of Washington Seattle

iTUTOR tutorgaming
" Don't wonder why those Robots drown themselves in the water, mine too. " - Me, Robotics Software Engineer.

@Hiveground , @Obodroid , @ISL2 Bangkok, Thailand

Hoby R. hobyr
Aiming for Full-stack Web Dev mastery.


Nick Walker nickswalker
PhD in Computer Science from the University of Washington (@hcrlab)

Seattle, WA