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Davey Mason daveymason
From neurons to pixels.


Vidhi Patra vidhip222

Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA

Peter apullo777
Passionate about distributed systems and data-driven programming | MSCS @gatech

Boston, MA

OMEGARED dexsterb
On a journey somewhere.....

Charlotte, NC

Aaron Brzowski abrzowski3
Engineering @ Tech AI


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Nigele NigeleM
Computer and Data Scientist Cybersecurity Engineer


Brian Smith dpd696
Hello there! My name is Brian, and I'm currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science while specializing in web development.

Columbus, GA

Jakub Owczarek owczr
Data Scientist @ Shell β€’ OMSCS @ Georgia Tech

Shell KrakΓ³w

Joe Domaleski joedom99
Husband, father of 3, veteran, biz owner of CFC. Interested in math, tech, science, AI, complexity sciences, marketing, and amateur (ham) radio as KI4ASK.

Country Fried Creative Fayetteville, GA

Pian Wan pianwan
MSCS @gatech, incoming @aws ex: @weixin @Tencent, @alibaba, @WU-CVGL, EPFL, UESTC

@gatech Travel around the world

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
ξ­‡ξ­Žξ­Œξ­„ ξ­Žξ­… ξ­“ξ­‡ξ­„ Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Prajit Chennupati prajitchennupati
building the future...

Georgia, United States

Sean Denney seanpden
I move fast and break things... or whatever buzzwords are popular these days.
Aaryesh Deshpande Aaryesh-AD
🧬 Bioinformatics @ Georgia Tech | πŸ§ͺ Computational Chemistry | πŸ€– AI-Driven Drug Design | 🌊 Molecular Dynamics | πŸ”¬ Protein Modeling | @ Georgia Tech

Atlanta, United States

Ayman Ba-Ajajah AymanKB
Senior Software Engineer

@Safqah-Capital Saudi Arabia

David S Lakind dslakind
With over nine years in international shipping and thirteen years in teaching Math and Computer Science, I am a dedicated educator passionate about personalized

Fair Lawn, NJ

Yan (Ian) Wu Waynefire
ITM PhD Student @ Georgia Institute of Technology.

@gatech Atlanta, GA

Gerald Lu Gerald-Lu
Hi! I am a student at the Georgia Institute of Technology majoring in Computer Science. I take pride in learning and developing software!
Eric Kim startoutcoder
CS (soon-to be) Junior at Georgia Tech. [email protected]

Atlanta, Georgia

Michael Muzzarelli muzzarellimj
Senior software engineer @fidelity, graduate computer science student @gatech, applied technologist, amateur coffee connoisseur.

Raleigh, NC

Nho Luong nholuongut
πŸ’Vietnam DevOps Engineer LeadπŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³ πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³Vietnam Timeless Charm πŸ₯°Enjoy Every Moment πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ˜œGood Vibes Only

DevOps and Platform Services Lead From Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Tanju Ozdemir Todtheguy
MSE @ GT 🐝

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Tara taraliu23
GaTech CSE '25, Metalhead, CTFer, Feminist, Queer. ζ­€εŽε¦‚η«Ÿζ²‘ζœ‰η‚¬η«οΌŒζˆ‘δΎΏζ˜―ε”―δΈ€ηš„ε…‰γ€‚β€”β€”ι²θΏ…
Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Yasith Jayawardana yasithdev
Co-founder @Marketrix-ai, Research Scientist @gatech, Ex: @harvard @lanl @wso2

@Marketrix-ai Atlanta, GA

Lukas Marquardt lksmrqrdt
Software- and DevOps Engineer Enthusiast for distributed systems and cybersecurity

@haufe-lexware Freiburg im Breisgau

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Mina Ashraf mina1460

Meta Dublin, Ireland

Stephanie pandanomial
I am a tinkerbell: I tinker with code and ideas.
Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Noah Buchanan Noah6544
18, just making things up as I go. GT 28' Amazon Intern 2025

Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia, USA

Yonatan Berner yoberner
Student, M.S. in Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology | Founder & CEO @BernerTech
