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#Embedded & #Blockchain Developer
Philipp Keidel PKeidel

DE, Frankfurt am Main

ZtereoHYPE ZtereoHYPE
Hi I make stuff sometimes, maybe.

behind you

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Iurii Zamiatin RiscInside

Imperial College London London

The Insider Sandrush theinsidersandrush
"The Sun is Leaking." - noclick

Kuala Lumpur

Ahnaf Shahriar ShahriarAhnaf
UW CE 2026. Welcome to my projects where I dabble in Embedded Development and Computer Architecture.

Touching Grass

Student - embedded programming

ENIB Brest

hilam hilam8899
I am a free man, I love embeded and C#
Matt r00sta
Physicist turned embedded systems engineer.

University of Sussex, CDO2 South East, UK

Jiale Bai syxb2
CS undergraduate @ UESTC; Machine Learning; FPGA development;

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu, China

Julian JuliDi
Bringing Rust to embedded systems @Systemscape.

Systemscape GmbH Germany

Ruorong Guo RegulusGuo
Undergraduate in Zhejiang University. Computer architecture & system enthusiast.

Zhejiang University, China void

Isaac David orion160
deadlock master


sooriya thuvasooriya
reading electronics and telecom engineering @ university of moratuwa w/ chips, robots, n automation

Sri Lanka

Javier E. Soto dodooft
Embedded Systems Engineer

Concepción, Chile

Erick Andrés Obregón Fonseca ErickOF
Computer Engineering. MSc. in Electronics student. IP Logic Design Engineer. AI enthusiast.

Intel Corporation Cartago, Costa Rica

Oliver Keller ozel
Engineer and applied physicist by education. Programmer and synthesizer enthusiast by passion. In a former life researching pixel detectors at CERN & GSI.


Doing an M.Sc in Computer Engineering, specializing in Industrial Computer Systems.


Edson Porto da Silva edsonportosilva
Ph.D. in Optical Communications, Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG)

UFCG Campina Grande (PB)

Angelo Elias Dal Zotto aedalzotto
Computer Engineer. PhD student in Computer Science.

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Akrapong Patchararungruang Pongkemon01
A lecturer in Faculty of Engineering at Kasetsart University, THAILAND.

Kasetsart University THAILAND

Enigma Lav lovely-error
A future exists, where you don't fight the machine.

Planet Earth

Minhal loveminhal
CTFer, Satllite&Embedded&Vehicle Security Researcher, focus on hardware and firmware protection.

Riscure China