Alexandre Machado
Hi, I’m Alexandre
A web developer with experience in freelance client work and self-driven projects, crafting digital solutions that address real-world needs.
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Mark Reijerkerk
Maintaining and building computers for 40 years,
from 30 Kilogram for 10 MB to one gram for 256 GB in 40 years, that is innovation!
Retired Amsterdam
Marcos Gómez Buceta
Senior Programmer, System Administrator and Project Manager
Sixtema Spain
Maxim Marshak
Investigative Journalism | OSINT activities & Investigations | White Hacker | People, Companies & Incidents Data | Python | Ruby | JS | Perl | Bash
Self Employed Nowhere
Zeeshan Ahmad Khalil
Next JS ★ React Native ★ RTK Query ★ Nest JS ★ MERN Stack
@eSqualltpl Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan
Marcello Joaquim da Silva
Bachelor's in computer science, focused on backend development, software architecture, software quality and automated tests.
Trần Vũ Quyết
I'm a highly motivated and passionated learning programmer in building backgrounds relating to my main hobbies: full-stack and AI learning ^^!
CMC Global Co. LTD Nha Trang City / Ho Chi Minh City
marlon mt
Expert Database Administrator + Architect | SLCD: UML, US | SQL, ETL | Rusty OO Dev: .Net, Java, JS | IT-Ops | Aspiring Dev.Sec.Ops, PM, Scrum Master
Open to Projects Medellín, Colombia
Imran Hossain
Software Engineer | Open to freelance projects, reach out on LinkedIn | Computer Science @ North South University
North South University
🚀 Passionate coder | 🌟 Exploring the realms of software development | 🎯 Turning ideas into reality
👋 Welcome to my GitHub! I'm [Tunc], and I have an
Sanal E-Dev Turkey