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Chia-Wei Wei daVimci

National Tsing-Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan R.O.C.

phial3 phial3
Software engineer, coding in C & Rust, Java. Expertise: Architecture design, Concurrent programming, Performance optimization and Cryptography

Princeton University Beijing · China

Unpil Baek unpilbaek
An avid UC Berkeley PhD student interested in quantum computing and its intersections with condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, and machine learning.

University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA

Jay yibn2008
Frontend Engineer at TikTok


pggg lumospg

浙江大学 浙江大学

Electronic Engineering


Hua Linfeng MrPeachHua
My name is Hua Linfeng,I am a student,I like basketball,and i like to make friends。
Yi Zhang ease-zhang
do some change to make something
stayfoo stayfoo
stay hungry, stay foolish

Beijing China

Bruce Wong BruceWong001
I am a developer, learning Azure programming. I want to using this place to store my exerciser program.
XWJ xwj-vic
Live and learn
Leo iicoom
[]'*'),function(a){"1px solid #"+(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))).toString(16)})


PeanoRen KeeganRen


Zhiwu zhiwsun
Keyboard not found, Press F1 to Resume.

N/A Hangzhou, China

Muberra Ozmen muberraozmen
Machine Learning Engineer

@squareup Montreal, Canada

Abhilekh Kalita abhikal
Python developer and ML/AI enthusiast. Also Software tester. Now learning Deep Learning, LLM and Web3


赵林 1183459240

河南师范大学 河南师范大学平原湖校区

Yang Han hanlife02
A student in Peking University

Peking University China

Terry Zhao horuszhao
studing python


ZhuoyaSHI ZhuoyaSHI

NYU Tandon School of Engineering