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Ben benleb
science lover, hacker, (bio)tech enthusiast, security/network/infrastructure, ... ‽

Stuttgart, Germany

Adji Arioputro adjiap
Information Technology MSc.


Bahadir Arslan lyonbach
Pipeline / Software Developer

eder GmbH Stuttgart / Germany

Nebulax aldekmt
Just for fun and giggles want to learn more, about Linux and Windows and maybe learn to write awesome automation Scripts


Stella smillabilla
Innovation enthusiast, startup mentor, futures literacy facilitator, learner, fiction writer. Currently learner at 42 Heilbronn.


Marco Rieder r13d3r

@exconcept Stuttgart

Enthusiastic Millennial 🤓 I ❤️ problem solving! #LINUX #OSINT #RPi #arduino #rtlsdr #VSCode #COFFEE #MINIMAL