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HearSilent hearsilent
½ Android Developer, ½ Open Source enthusiast             Commit code with 💖

@BusPlus Taipei, Taiwan

Hsuanhao showang
Software Philosopher


François frankois944
My main is iOS, my second is Android, my third is KMP

Looking for a job / Contracts Paris

Jacob Kwitkoski thederputy
Android developer, former game dev and Android NDK wrangler
Vahid Garousi VahidGarousi
💻 Android Software Engineer


Behnam Banaei behnawwm
Senior Android Engineer

TAPSI Tehran, Iran

Serafin Lüthi luethis
mobile engineer

@DigitecGalaxus Zürich, Switzerland

bigma926 hongshanma
i am a student ,i love coding and programing.

jiangsu university of science and technonly No. 666, Changhui Road, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, China

Akira VoLKyyyOG
Data Engineer at Afterpay/Cashapp/Square and Head Tutor At The University of Melbourne

@AfterpayTouch Australia

Jamie Houston jamie-houston
Employee at Salesforce

@salesforce St Louis, MO

Kotlin Multiplatform, Kotlin, and Ktor
Islam Adilkhan 1slam10
Backend Engineer | STEM enthusiast

Andersen Lab Astana, Kazakhstan