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Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

aniq syedaniq
compsci student & flutter dev

adesso mobile solutions GmbH frankfurt, germany

Tea Larson-Hetrick temichelle13
MBA Student | Freelancer | Developer | Researcher | AI and Crypto

Walden University 97470

Passionate about Formula 1 and Software Development. Starting out slowly and steadily in the world of Open Source.

United States

msleek msleek
Connoisseur in breaking things. Interests include: Electronic Warfare, Information Assurance, and Automotive Security

Somewhere configuring my homelab.

Ozair Farahi Ozair0
The starting point of all achievement is desire. Full-Stack Developer🐱‍👤

Van Metre Companies Fairfax, Virginia, United States

Karlo Verde mrverdant13
I am a Mechatronics Eng working on Software Development. Currently using Flutter, React, NestJs and Go.

Very Good Ventures Lima, Perú

Barış Kodaş bariskodas
Mobile Developer


Luís Calçada luiscalcada

Arcos de Valdevez, Portugal

Nikita Taverz
Soon everyone will be tied to numbers and forced to work for numbers. Slaves of numbers. © 21st century, the century of IT technologies



Chhin Sras therealsras
Software Engineer and Open Source

Gee Bee Technology Cambodia

sanshine CK110


Gabriel Rodrigues gabrielportuga

Critical Tech Works Lisbon

Woogi woogi-kang
Flutter Developer

Eaty Seoul



L3N0X L3-N0X

Germany, Bavaria

Mohammad Yaser Ammar MohammadYAmmar
Computer Engineer 🏆, a lover of technology and learning. I enjoy programming and trying out what is related to my specialty in detail 👀

ACES Riyadh - KSA | Palestine ~ Jordan

Waseem Aslam nerdbachu

@ealsuite @Eallisto

Yazeed AlKhalaf YazeedAlKhalaf
• I write code • Youngest Participant in Hajj Hackathon!

@tweeqsa Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Sanggeun Ji givethedog
Based on infrastructure career Big fan of SRE

BMW Group Seoul

Klodian Lula KlodianLula
Full Stack Developer since 2001, building Web & Mobile Apps with Node.js, React.js, Javascript/Typescript, PHP, SQL/NoSQL, and mostly Flutter.

Tirana, Albania

Grégoire MINSÉ gregoireminse
Tech Lead — Dart w/ Flutter

Floa Bordeaux, FRANCE

Oumar fall omar6260
Writing code while having fun | focus Flutter and Dart


Nuno Nuno-Gon

Critical TechWorks Lisbon, Portugal

Mohammed CHAHBOUN M97Chahboun
<My help comes only from Allah. In Him I have put my trust and to Him I turn in penitence.(QURAN)> Sr.Software Engineer. Asiya Father 🤍 🇵🇸

@JahezAcademy Morocco