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Silvio Traversaro traversaro
If you mentioned me and I did not reply in the last 72h, probably I lost the message somehow, so please ping me, thanks!

Italian Institute of Technology Genoa

Sai Ruthvik hawkh
ML Engineer @Livestockify

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Hyderabad

Neil Lee phycause

Master Tones Taiwan

Iver Jordal iver56
Machine learning, audio/music tech, computer vision, demoscene, web technology, games, startup. I mainly write Python. I also enjoy Go, C, Rust and JS.

Nomono Trondheim, Norway

Ryan Yard ryanyard
Helping others feel a sense of calm.

stillness, LLC Austin, TX

Roal RobertoAlessandri
Passionate about Creative Computing and how we can apply Deep Learning and IoT technologies to implement new solutions. My areas of expertise are DSP and MIR.
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Alef Iury alefiury
Machine learning researcher and computer science graduate student focusing mostly on automatic speech recognition, sound event detection and bioacoustics.

Universidade Federal de Goiás Goiânia, Goiás - Brasil

Emmanouil Karystinaios manoskary
Ph.D. Student of artificial intelligence at the Computational Perception Institute of Johannes Kepler University.

@CPJKU Austria

Federico Simonetta 00sapo
Post-doc researcher in computer science. Music, audio, text, cultural heritage, speech, emotions, medical acoustics, neovim, Linux.


Mark Gotham MarkGotham
Computational methods for music theory, analysis, & composition. Corpus study. Widening access.



Westlake Univerity Hangzhou

Bea Steers beasteers
Research Engineer | she/her

New York University Brooklyn, NY

Facundo Franchino cucuwritescode
audio programmer, multi-instrumentalist/composer & electronics engineering with music technology student from argentina.

York, UK

Thomas Fehér ThomasFeher
embedded signal processing developer

voice INTER connect GmbH Dresden, Germany

changxu changxuding
Speech Enhancement, Array Signal Processing, Audio Effects, Codec

Shanghai, China

Liang ioyy900205
B.S., Wuhan University and Wuhan University of Technology, Ph.D., North China University of Electric Power. Email: [email protected]

Unisound Beijing

Pawel Cyrta cyrta
Audio Researcher (Speech & Music Technology) & Data Scientist. I do machine learning in audio domain, speech recognition and high performance computing

Metamedia Technologies Warsaw, Poland

Jian Xu Fidondo
Researcher in acoustic signal processing

Zhejiang Lab Hangzhou, China

Rintaro Rintaro-Nakamura
Unity Engineer, love for cognitive science
Jie Yang YoungJay0612
Focus on Speech Enhancement & Microphone array processing. And now I am focusing on the project of sound source localization.



Xian, China

Giorgos Sgouridis gsgou
My name is Giorgos Sgouridis. I am a software engineer.

Germany, Berlin

Fabian Ostermann fabianostermann
Hello! I'm a PhD student. My research deals with Algorithmic Music Composition systems and applying Reinforcement Learning to Procedural Content Generation.

TU Dortmund University

Bernardo Torres bernardo-torres
AI, ML for Audio, Music and Signal Processing PhD Researcher at Telecom Paris, IP Paris

Paris, France

Bo-Yu Chen ChenPaulYu
CSIE M.S at NTU, Previous RA at Academia Sinica and Intern at Sony. 🎵MIR 🤖️AI/ML 🔊Acoustic 👨‍💻HCI ⚽️ Soccer.

National Taiwan University Taipei

Scusk Rimsi yoyolicoris
I'm a Djentle man. When I hear 0000000 I click like.
