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ᴬᴰAstra⚕ chozee
Per aspera ᴬᴰAstra⚕ You just live once. Work for fun, Live for love.
Bob Peulen bobpeulen
Open Source Tech & Data Science @ Oracle

@Oracle Utrecht

Mark Cheng TKMarkCheng
Final year medical student and researcher at the University of Cambridge working at the Gupta Lab, CITIID, Department of Medicine.
Cristina DeLisle redchrision
R&D Software Engineer

CJDNS SASU Paris, France

BenWag Bentobick
Student and tech enthusiast. 🤘


Mahdi Nazari Ashani mahdin75
GISience Researcher, Developer, and Teacher

K.N.Toosi University of Technology Iran

Lisheng Zhou, Ph.D. LishengZhou
Computational Research Scientist | Personalized Medicine | Data Science | Human Genetics | Computational Genetics & Statistical Genetics

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY

Hu Chuan-Peng hcp4715
School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal Uni

Nanjing Normal University Nanjing, China

hyeebeen hyeebeen
14-year project management and test efficiency veteran, skilled in Scrum, IPD, and program management. Now focused on AI programming and LLM evaluation.


Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez anunezji

@eth-sustec Zurich, Switzerland

Zhiping Yang ouyangzhiping
co-founder of anrenmind group


Renske Bos renskebos
I'm an AI student at Utrecht University currently working on my master thesis for ASReview
Luke Gaiter lgaiter

University of Queensland Brisbane

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


BABA Yoshihiko babayoshihiko
PhD (Medical Science). Urban planner.
Marty Aggrowe poulenc1899
Digital Designer & Product Owner


David Paul Graham dpgraham4401
Full Stack developer with a background in geophysics working for the @USEPA

@USEPA Washington, DC

i like trains and brains
Janardan Devkota Jadevkota
Computational Epidemiologist | Quantitative Psychology Enthusiast | Mental Health Researcher

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Baltimore, Maryland USA

Parinaz Tabari parinazt
Postdoc Fellow

University of Salerno Italy

Matias Vizcaino datagero
🎓 MSc Computational Analytics
zhangyoung Steelzy
Thought is possible


Omar Laham OmarLaham
Bioinformatician and Healthcare AI Engineer

Saarland University Germany