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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Aslan Aliev sayfaslan
Applied Math and Computer Science. Software for community and business.

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Ubuntu Korea Community Infrastructure Administrator

somewhere on the server's memory

Lucas Pereira Brígida lucasbrigida

@pagseguro São Paulo - SP (Brazil)

Christoph Kröppl nkia-christoph

@HMG-Software Tbilisi, Georgia

Andres Hincapie andreshincapier
A passionate Software developer 🧑🏻‍💻 trying to leave a good legacy on earth 🌎

Adelaide, SA

Industrial Designer


Noah Pinales noahpin
Computer Science @ USC Viterbi '27
ProtieusKeebs protieusz
Keyboard Wizard designer & EasyEDA Knight of unique keeb pcbs & handwiring keeb builds.

ProtieusKeebs Canada

Luca LucaGerlich

Seligenstadt, Germany

Jeremy McDade jemmec
every day I stray further from reality
Eldis Simone sayapakailinuxpak
Work so hard trying to find a good ending.

Tanjungpinang, Riau Island

Benedict Tan machineabuse
Former concept artist & game designer. Entrepreneur and business owner. Combat flightsim enthusiast.

BUMP Bouldering Malaysia

Gabriel gabsilcos
Data Scientist, BI analyst and robotics researcher.
Tristin tristinDLC
Maui born. Cali raised. Seattle living. Constantly evolving design and tech nerd. Application alchemist.

VendNovation Seattle, WA

plants plants-tech
Discord: plants#4828
OldMan#6955 OldMan6955
Senior Designer at Clacktivist Studios and 40s OG since 2020.

The Internet

Eugene-Yuan Kou EugenePY

National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan.

nekotato nekotato
one with cup rubber