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We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.

Nanjing University, School of Mgmt & Eng. Nanjing, China

Daniel R. Torres Ruiz DRTorresRuiz
PhD Candidate in Computer Science

University of Nottingham Nottingham

Valentin LE BESCOND Nitnelav
Acoustic Engineer and Software Developer

@Universite-Gustave-Eiffel Nantes, France

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Muhammad Irtiza mirtiza09
Full Stack Developer and Product Enthusiast
Furkan Parlak Furkanprlk

Basarsoft Ankara, Türkiye

Marcelo Maia marcelorhmaia

Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Niterói, RJ, Brazil

Md. Ismail ismail-cse-15
M.Sc. Student at BUET B.Sc. in CSE, RUET Ex Lecturer, UITS

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Majid Hojati am2222
GIScience | Geomatics | GeoAI | PhD

@ready Canada

Pedro Zattoni Scroccaro pedroszattoni
PhD candidate at TU Delft.

TU Delft

Oguz Toragay oguztoragay

Lawrence Technological University Southfield/MI

I received my B.S. degree from Shenyuan Honors College in Beihang University, Beijing. Now I'm pursuing my PhD degree of ECE in Beihang University.

Ph.D. Candidate in Beihang University Beijing

Ilia TARASOV ilia-ta
Operations Research / Optimisation / Computer Science, PhD
Bulent Soykan bulentsoykan

University of Central Florida Orlando, FL

Martin Debouté mdeboute
French engineer consultant in Operations Research @Artelys

Artelys Paris, France

Abhay Sobhanan abhaysobhanan
PhD Candidate in Industrial Engineering | Operations Research

University of South Florida

Minjae Jung keep9oing

UNIST Ulsan, Korea

Changhyun Kwon chkwon
Associate Professor at KAIST / computational optimization / transportation / game theory / author of Julia Programming for Operations Research

KAIST Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Niels Wouda N-Wouda
Building @PyVRP. I like optimisation problems and writing code to solve them!

Rotterdam School of Management Groningen

Leopold Kuttner ktnr
Co-Founder @cloveropt – Interested in exact and heuristic algorithms for decision support.

TU Dresden Germany

Eduardo Salazar eduardosalaz
decision science

PepsiCo Monterrey, México

Leon Lan leonlan
PhD Candidate in Operations Research at VU Amsterdam


Federico Berto fedebotu
PhD student @kaist-silab. Collaborating with @DiffEqML and cofounder of the @ai4co open research community

KAIST South Korea

Isaac Balster isaacbalster
PhD student at Université de Bordeaux (IMB - Inria) with an MSc in Transport Engineering from Coppe/UFRJ. Development of exact and heuristic MILP algorithms.

Inria - Bordeaux, France