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Lucas Sahdo sahdoio
Software Engineer. A PHP Enthusiast, Laravel comes together and Vue.js as well. Also working with TypeScript, Nodejs. Learning Go.

SahdoIO São Paulo Area / Brazil

Eskinder iskewabe
“Be quick, be quiet, be on time.”

Nubian Technology Ethiopia

Juan Paganuzzi paganuzzi
un paso a la vez & kiss.


Murat Purç muratpurc

Murat Purc it-solutions Germany, Augsburg

Arash Narimani arashdeveloper1380
Just Programming iran,tabriz

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Salaheddin AbuEin sabuein
A human, father, husband, digital creative and web developer @RapidInfoSys

Seeking new opportunities London, UK

royee guanhui07
🍃 藏书如山积,读书如水流。山形有限度,水流无时休。

X company China Guangdong

BOUHOUCH chamseddine chamsedine-bouhouch

National Egineering School of Sousse

Lenny ROUANET lennyrouanet
Passionate about the creation of digital & physical products focused on detail and simplicity.

Lyon, France