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omghax.eth TacoDelPaco
Average Farcaster user

in a cardboard box.

codingsh developerfred
Blockchain Developer, White Hat, Bridge builder and Decentralization specialist ENS: codingsh.eth


r4to r4topunk
Blockchain Research & Development

@Nounspace Rio do Sul, Brazil

ryan JesuscoinsIII
student, builder, volunteer

Modal Booking LLC Dallas Texas

Ricardo Ferrari rferrari
fullstack developer, scrum master, programing machines since 8yrs old.
MetaMu MetaMu
Here to learn and contribute.

RoseCity Web3 Portland OR

Mills 0xMillz


PTT tolltalcrypto

ShapeShiftDAO USA

codingshot codingshot
👋 building lit apps that can get me canceled & funding apps that can get you bread POTLOCK | NEAR

Potluck Labs THE STREETS