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Yin Li (李寅) eelregit
A physicist working on cosmology
Chunxu Guo gRox167
Imaging Science Ph.D. Student in Washington University in St. Louis

St. Louis

Shichao Wu WuShichao
I'm a GW researcher and PyCBC developer at AEI, focusing on GW detection and GW parameter estimation in the LISA and ET/CE frequency band.

Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics Germany

Thibeau Wouters ThibeauWouters
PhD candidate at Utrecht University, working on Bayesian data analysis tools for gravitational waves and multi-messenger astrophysics

Utrecht University Utrecht, Netherlands

Meesum Qazalbash Qazalbash
Evermore learning, unlearning, and revising the rules.

Habib University Karachi, Pakistan

Marie-Lou Laprise m-laprise
PhD student, Princeton University

Princeton University Princeton, NJ

Nayanika Das ND7996
PhD student in Computational Chemistry at CBBL . University of Vic-Central University Of Catalonia.

Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya Spain

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

spike Aaronbe17

Huairou District, China, 101408

Ebrahim Pichka ebrahimpichka
Machine Learning Research Assistant/MSc Engineering Student.

Ontario, Canada

Orjan Ameye oameye
PhD student in theoretical physics at Uni Konstanz

University of Konstanz Konstanz

Guillaume Dalle gdalle
Researcher in applied mathematics

École des Ponts Paris

Philip Zucker philzook58
A pretty cool dude who does things.

Draper Boston

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Rami Kader rkv0id
ai. deep. fast.

Peripheral Amsterdam, Netherlands

Aron Trauring AronT-TLV
In tech (US & Israel) since '79. Serial entrepreneur CEO/CTO done software dev/project management + sales & marketing. Winner of 2007 ACM Software System award!

@Zoteca Tel Aviv, Israel

realybin realybin
C# developer and indie software vendor.
Vitor Cantarella vcantarella
Hydrogeologist Research Topics: Reactive Transport Modelling, Natural attenuation, Groundwater Modelling, Recharge, Groundwater Resources

UniKassel, De Kassel, Germany

Saleh salehjg

University of Salerno Italy

Nnanna Omoke NnannaOmoke
Aspiring data scientist

FCT, Nigeria

glounes glou-nes

IRISA Brittany

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Lucas Roberts rlucas7
I am user `Lucas Roberts` on stackoverflow and Best way to contact me is my Virginia Tech email, my github username + ``

New York, New York

Pu Yang Vcholerae1
Central South University in Geophysics

Central South University

Leonard Aukea LeonardAukea
Founder @ Skygrid Engineering


TANG ZhiXiong district10
Vim user under dvorak. (Hiring for SLAM/GIS/C++/Python talents)

Momenta Suzhou, China

Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


Rory Tyrrell tyrrellgit
I do stuff in AI and aerospace. Unfortunately this repo largely goes untouched since most of my work is either IP-related or on institutional gitlabs.

ESA Germany

Fanwang Meng FanwangM
Banting Postdoc Fellow @FarnazH at Queens | Postdoc @connorcoley Lab at MIT | Ph.D. @PaulWAyers Lab at McMaster University

Queen's University Canada

Ronak Haresh Chhatbar alphapibeta
MS in CS student at UB

@sair-lab Buffalo

Dillon Daudert dillondaudert
Deep learning, linguistics, bioinformatics, public policy, and more

@ascential New York, NY

Vishal austinvishal
Formerly at RTECH-IIT working on Rehabilitation robots | Kinematics | Motion Planning | Manipulation | Geometry | Trajectory Optimization | Robotics Educator


_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
Younghwa CHO younghwacho
Ph.D. Candidate at Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University Sapporo, Japan